Early Review: NVRLND #1

NVRLND #1The story of Peter Pan is a classic having been adapted numerous times and who knows how many “alternate takes” exist at this point. Enter NVRLND, a new (and original) take on the classic tale.

Written by Stephanie Salyers and Dylan Mulick, the setting is now present-day Hollywood. Peter is the lead singer of the band The Lost Boys, Wendy Darling befriends Tiger Lily in high school, and there’s a new designer drug called Pixie Dust which kids are dying from using. James Hook is present too, this version a tattoo artist who preys on those who flock to Peter and his band.

The story is entertaining with fantastic pacing for a first issue. It drops you right into the action building this new, yet familiar world. Everything is there and how it all comes together is interesting and feels like it’s a rock and fantasy version of Law & Order: SVU. How it comes together is the fun and interesting part. Seeing how each character is depicted is not only fascinating, but also what really sets the series apart from other takes. Even with so many iterations of the characters and story, Salyers and Mulick still find a unique spin to it all. And it’s a spin that has me wanting to come back to see more and where it goes.

Salyers and Mulick also give each character a very unique personality. Each feels like their own person with their own habits, quirks, and how they act. You can see why some act the way they do and each character’s actions make complete sense considering age and setting. While it’s a fantasy, it still feels natural.

Helping that unique spin is artist Leila Leiz who gives us a style that has a Western look infused a bit with manga. The design and style pops on the page creating a look that matches the pop and rock sensibility of it all. Though it’s set in the “real world,” the design and look still feels like it fits the classic story that we know.

The first issue of NVRLND does an excellent job of setting things up with all of the familiar characters we know, but at the same time giving each enough of a unique spin to make it all feel original. I’ll admit I rolled my eyes when I heard that it was another take on Peter Pan, but having read the first issue, I’m looking forward to see what comes next.

Story: Stephanie Salyers and Dylan Mulick Art: Leila Leiz
Story: 8.1 Art: 8.1 Overall: 8.1 Recommendation: Buy

451 Media Group provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review