Review: The Revisionist #1

The Revistionist #1How far would you go to save reality? Martin Monroe is The Revisionist-a time-traveling assassin tasked with repairing our fractured timeline.  Forced to place his trust in his estranged father, Martin will have to overcome his troubled past to save the future-but can he live with his decisions?

With The Revisionist #1, Aftershock Comics continues to roll out exciting and fun comics full of action and most importantly, quality! Writer Frank Barbiere nails it with an action comic that’s very cinematic in its opening and feels like an action film in comic form. It’s very much Barbiere and will feel familiar to his previous work such as Five Ghosts.

The first issue feels like the scene that kicks off an action film. Martin is in jail and is thrown into a crazy situation that involves his father and time travel, but first he must break out. There’s some plot points that are pretty easy to figure out where they may eventually go, but the series and story initially feels like an 80s action film, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s something that’s hard to get right, but Barbiere does so easily.

The art by Garry Brown and colorist Lauren Affe is solid. There’s some emotional moments and lots of action, and the two handle both really well. They capture the chaos of the moment and translate it well in the imagery on the page.

It’s a bit of humor that a comic about time travel has a retro action feel in so many ways. I myself grew up on those films and it’s a genre you actually don’t see as much anymore, so this is a fun return to that type of story. If you’re a fan like me, this is one to check out and I think Barbiere has another hit on his hands.

Story: Frank J. Barbiere Art: Garry Brown, Colorist: Lauren Affe
Story: 7.8 Art: 7.8 Overall: 7.8 Recommendation: Read

Aftershock Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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