Review: Wrath Of The Eternal Warrior #6

WRATH_006_COVER-A_JIMENEZWrath Of The Eternal Warrior #6 is an incredibly bloody comic. It’s also a bloody good comic, but we’ll get to both in a little bit.

Wrapping up the two part Prelude To Labyrinth (this chapter is entitled Guts), Wrath Of  The Eternal Warrior #6 is in the unenviable position of having to conclude a story and set up the next – something that was accomplished to some extent in the fourth issue. On top of that, the set up left from #5 promised us that Gilad Anni-Padda would be attacking a walled city.


Prelude to Labyrinth takes place millennia ago, long before the first four issues of this series, and highlights just how fearsome an opponent the Eternal Warrior can be. But then when somebody kills your wife and takes your son, wouldn’t you wade through an ocean of blood and steel (albeit likely far less effectively than Gilad) to get him back?

Visually this is a stunning comic, with Juan Jose Ryp and Jordie Bellaire reuniting to really emphasize the brutality of opposing the unstoppable force of the Earth’s Fist and Steel. I’m not going to lie to you here, I am always a huge fan of the artwork in any comic when these two team up, and with Robert Venditti involved, this comic was easily one of my most anticipated issues this month.This issue read like an explosive action movie and with an art style that feels as if Wrath Of The Eternal Warrior #6 is a spiritual successor to Legends Of The Geomancer, I couldn’t be happier with this comic.

And that ending? Obviously I’m not going to say anything spoilerific here without a warning, but oh man. If you’ve been following the series at all up to this point then you may have an idea as to what’ll happen, but the final panels are just brilliant.

No, Wrath Of The Eternal Warrior #6 is likely not going to be as deep and thoughtful as other comics released this week, or even this month,  but that’s not what it’s trying to be. This is a bloody, violent comic (and I don’t think it’s over the top considering the reasons behind the violence) that’s also incredibly entertaining.

As a prelude it’s great, but as a conclusion in a two part story this issue not only stands alone (honestly, you don’t need to read #5 to enjoy this one) but actually surpasses the last issue in terms of my enjoyment, and this is where my biggest problem lies. I scored the last issue 10’s across the board, and with this being better… I see now why I only rarely score anything that well; there’s no room for improvement issue to issue. That said, I loved this issue, so…

Story: Robert Venditti Art: Juan Jose Ryp Colourist: Jordie Bellaire
Story: 10 Art: 10 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review, but I’m buying this anyway.