Review: Silver Surfer #1

Silver_Surfer_1_Cover“Fantastic Planet” The Surfer has taken Dawn Greenwood to the end of the universe, and now he’s going to show her the most fantastic planet of them all: Earth! It’s your homeworld like you’ve never seen it before: with monsters, magic and…a secret that will change everything!

Where many series in All-New, All-Different Marvel have used their number one issues as a fresh restart to head in a new direction, Silver Surfer #1 feels like it might as well been the next number in the previous volume. Written by Dan Slott, with Mike and Laura Allred on art, the issue is a continuation. Surfer and Dawn head back to Earth to deal with a threat that’s rather fun and a bit different.

The comic has a lighthearted feel to it all, feeling more like the more fun days of Doctor Who. The comic references a lot, playing off of other creations like Who, Wizard of Oz, Madman, The Matrix and more including Art Ops, a Vertigo comic Allred is a part of. Some of the most fun is playing “name the pop culture reference.”

The comic is a good jumping on point, and is entertaining though not deep. It did leave me with some questions like the role of Alpha Flight in the Marvel Universe. Radd and Dawn deal with an alien threat to Earth and they’re nowhere to be seen.

The art by the Allreds is the draw for me. Their style gives the comic its fun feel and takes it from a bit of a throwaway to entertaining. The coloring, the style, it’s distinctive and full of so many pop culture references you’ll find yourself staring at pages to get all of the jokes. What’s best in the comic isn’t what’s written, but what’s drawn. Just look at the cover to get what I’m talking about.

For fans of the previous volume, little has changed. This first issue picks up where things left off with the same characters, similar status, and same look. This isn’t All-New, All-Different, it’s a continuation of what’s come before. And that’s quite ok as that worked really well. For those who missed the previous volume, this is a solid jumping on point.

Story: Dan Slott Art: Mike Allred, Laura Allred
Story: 7.6 Art: 8.4 Overall: 7.8 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review