ComixTribe in October 2013

THE STANDARD #4 (of 6)

WRITER: John Lees
ARTIST: Jonathan Rector
COLORISTS: Mike Gagnon
LETTERER: Kel Nuttall
EDITOR: Steven Forbes
PRICE: $3.99
RATING: Teen + Up
FORMAT: 32 PAGE Single issue (#4 of 6)

The Standard is back, but not everyone is happy to see him return. And with a monstrous killer still on the loose and the body-count of headless victims continuing to pile up, Gilbert Graham’s heroic comeback might be fatally short-lived. Also: The Standard and The Corpse… face-to-face at last!

Diamond Code: AUG131152

THE STANDARD is the story of two different men from two different eras who share the same heroic legacy. In the past, The Standard was the world’s greatest superhero. Today, he is a celebrity with his own reality TV show. But when a catastrophic event brings the two generations into collision, The Standard is forced to ask if superheroes still have a place in today’s cynical world. THE STANDARD is a six-part superhero miniseries written by John Lees and drawn by Jonathan Rector.

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