IDW Reviews – Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #1, HP Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror #1, 30 Days of Night #1, Cold War #1

Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #1I went into this first issue a bit skeptical.  The whole idea of a mash-up/crossover featuring the cast of Star Trek and Legion of Super-Heroes seemed silly.  I dig the Trek, but haven’t been much of a Legion fan.  So, I went into this expecting the worst.  By the time I was done, I wanted to read the second issue.

Written by Chris Roberson, the comic’s first issue sees two stories that then merge into one.  It’s not as straightforward as the Legion winds up in the Trek universe or vice-versa.  There’s much more to it and it’s laid out in a better way.  And for that well thought out plotting, the story really works.

The art is pretty decent, and I really dug the first few pages which I don’t want to spoil.  The story itself also has a throwback feel to it.  It’s not quite modern and gritty, this is a comic I might have picked up in the 70s or 80s (it’s not a bad thing).

The first issue is really all lead up.  The two groups haven’t really met each other, and instead the focus is on the circumstances where they would.  It very well could fall apart from here, but the first issue got me interested, and I went into this with a bad attitude.  So for that achievement, I have to give the series some props.

Story: Chris Roberson Art: Jeffrey Moy Publisher: IDW Publishing

Story: 7.75 Art: 7.75 Overall: 7.75  Recommendation: Buy

HP Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror #1

There’s two items here, a longer comic and then an illustrated story.  There’s a lot out there based on the world of H.P. Lovecraft.  The man is a godfather of modern horror.  The stories also vary greatly in quality.  This one follows an amateur group of ghost hunters who get together when one of theirs passes away.

The good is, I really dug the characters.  Their interaction is very good.  The bad is, the story itself is pretty forgettable.  It blended into one of the numerous Lovecraft based stories I’ve read or even a general horror story.  Nothing makes it stand out.  It’s not bad in any way, it’s just not memorable.  There’s a good chance this’ll read better as a trade or graphic novel once it’s completed.

The art for the comic as well as the “prose” part of it is very good.  The second part especially, which I’d expect from menton3.

Overall, there’s nothing bad about this, just nothing where I can say it’s a must buy.

Story: Joe R. Lansdale and Robert Weinberg Art: Peter Bergting and menton3 Publisher: IDW Publishing

Story: 7 Art: 8.25 Overall: 7  Recommendation: Read

30 Days of Night #1

30 Days of Night #1I’ve never read this series.  I caught a bit of the movie, but really I know nada.  That’s good, because going into this, I have no preconceived notions.  There’s two parts to the story here, a battle that’s brewing between some vampire clans and also a woman who has a website that’s investigating whether vampires exist.  The two stories together have an X-Files mashed up with Underworld feel about them.  That’s a good thing because I really enjoy both of those pieces of pop culture.

Sam Kieth’s art just adds to it.  I’ve loved his art work, it’s so unique that’s often imitated but rarely matched in it’s style and look.  Here, it just fits.  The art and story work so well together, I’m hoping this is a combo that’s here for quite a while.

Writer Steve Niles has done his job here, creating an entertaining first issue that’s good for both long time fans (there’s small items here and there I can tell they’d enjoy) and for new readers (like myself).

Story: Steve Niles Art: Sam Kieth Publisher: IDW Publishing

Story: 8.25 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.25  Recommendation: Buy

Cold War #1

Cold War #1I like politics. I like noir. I like spy stories.  Legend John Byrne has mashed all of those together in this new series that takes place during the Cold War featuring a British spy that’s part Bond and Bourne.  The comic has that spy action movie cool about it, with the first ten pages being silent relying totally on the art to tell us what’s going on.  And through those ten pages we get to learn a hell of a lot about the main character Michael Swann.

The story then focuses on a scientist that wants to defect.  Swann is thrown undercover to figure out what’s going on.  There’s a great mix of sex and action with an honest 50s/60s vibe that’s exuded by the classic Bond films.  You can just here Sean Connery reading off Swann’s dialogue.

It’s just the first issue, but there’s a throwback feel to the series that reflects the time it’s set in.  So cool and smooth, like it’s main character Michael Swann.

Story: John Byrne Art: John Byrne Publisher: IDW Publishing

Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5  Recommendation: Buy

IDW Publishing provided Graphic Policy with FREE copies for review