Commander in Geek

CBS news covers the debate of whether our President-elect Obama can in fact be called the first President that’s a geek.  Generally I define as:

Geek – (gēk) – An individual who shows in-depth and knowledge in a particular subject area, or makes numerous obscure references to pop-culture in day to day activity

To me there are Nascar geeks, movie geeks, game geeks, comic geeks, political geeks, sports geeks, etc.  Geeks can be athletic, be married, be social, these are not disqualifying reasons.  They just have enthusiasm and knowledge about a certain thing or make a lot of pop-culture references.  According to the CBS article, they look at a geek as:

GeekDad contributor Matt Blum, a software engineer in Reston, Va., defines geeks as having high intellects, embracing technology, “getting excited about things in the future especially, particularly fiction,” having a science viewpoint and being steeped in the geek culture of science fiction and fantasy.

Does Obama qualify?

  1. He collected/s Spider-man and Conan comic books
  2. Has used pop-culture references including comic book and Star Trek
  3. Flashed the Vulcan split finger to Leonard Nimoy
  4. Really into his Blackberry, he’s fighting to keep it

In this sense President-elect Obama definitely shows geeky qualities and there’s nothing wrong with that.

One comment

  • I believe there’s a new york times article titled “The Geeks shall inherit the earth”.

    Obama is on our side. Let our age begin.