Small Press Expo 2023: Depicting Viscerality in Sports And Wrestling

The Small Press Expo has posted all of the programming panels from SPX 2023 on YouTube to watch!

There is dazzling skill in hockey, from the speed of the skaters to their deft work with the stick. There is magnificent spectacle in pro wrestling, with a vast array of high-flying maneuvers and gnarly-looking submissions. What they have in common is the sheer, visceral thrill of contact: a bone-rattling check to the boards or an agonizing body slam. Moderator Teppi Zuppo asks Ed Luce (Wuvable Oaf), Leela Corman (Victory Parade), Rob Ullman (Old-Timey Hockey Tales), and Tanya Dorph-Mankey (The Plight Of Orange Cassidy) how they convey this feeling of impact in a two-dimensional form.