Marvel and Hulu’s MODOK Gets a First Look

Revealed via EW during New York Comic-Con’s Metaverse, the upcoming stop motion MODOK series has delivered a first look. The series is one of the surviving Hulu Marvel shows, the other being the upcoming Helstrom. MODOK stars Patton Oswalt who stars as the Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing and follows him during his off-hours.

The cast includes MODOK’s equally-giant-headed daughter, Melissa (voiced by Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s Melissa Fumero), son Lou (Parks & Recreation‘s Ben Schwartz), and wife Jodie (Lucifer‘s Aimee Garcia). And what’s a show without a rival? That’d be Austin Van Der Sleet (Beck Bennett of SNL).

The show was created by Oswalt and Jordan Blum and animated by Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, the folks behind Robot Chicken.

MODOK was to be part of a series of four animated shows on Hulu. The others were Howard the Duck, Hit-Monkey, and Tigra, and Dazzler. They’d eventually come together into a group called The Offenders. Much of Marvel’s Hulu plans have been scrapped with MODOK being one of the few shows left standing.

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