Review: Killers #2

Killers #2

What’s mightier, the superninja or the rocket launcher? Find out in Killers #2!

Ninjas are virtually fearless, but what can cut straight to their core and make them tremble? Enter: Ninja-F!

Featuring the first appearance of the mysterious woman named Snapdragon!

My exposure to this series has been longer than most. As with the first book, I first read Killers #2 more than a month ago shortly after the first issue came out. I had read the outline to the entire series in preparation for an inter with B. Clay Moore, which you can find here already. Graphic Policy also published an interview with artist Fernando Dagnino which you can check out here. The reason I mention this is because it took me far too long when reading this comic to realize why it felt so damn familiar.

Because I had already read the book, in some form, at least twice.

The funny thing is that despite the book feeling familiar, I never once felt that book was any less exciting.

Killers #2 opens exactly where the first issue left off, with Ninja G plummeting from a five story window after Ninja J pushed her out. What follows is a tense confrontation before moving on to the introduction of another Ninja or two (Ninjas I and F).

What impresses me most about B. Clay Moore‘s story is that he’s able to get so much into the comic without crossing the line into “too much.” In many ways the content he has packed in is wonderfully reminiscent of the comics of yore, when a single issue told a complete story. Now this is obviously the second part in a miniseries, but Moore is able to make the most out of his page count and still give Fernando Dagnino and Jose Villarrubia (art and colours respectively) plenty of room to showcase their visual story telling.

The artists deliver an atmospheric book that immerses you into the story with every page turn; there;s something about their work that’s just damn impressive. There’s little bells and whistles here, and the comic is all the stronger for it.

Killers #2 is a doubling down on the shady world these former Ninja Programme operatives find themselves once again involved in. It’s a story that’s as well-paced as it is visually presented. More people should be reading this than currently are. This is a book that feels oddly free of any encumbrance from continuity. Despite the characters origins in stemming from Ninja-K, Killers can easily be read as a standalone story without any trouble.

This deserves to be on the pull list of anybody wanting a change from spandex and superheroes.

Story: B. Clay Moore Art: Fernando Dagnino Colours: Jose Villarrubia
Story: 8.7 Art: 9.4 Overall: 9.2 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review