Review: Livewire #6

Livewire #6

In Livewire #6, Amanda finds herself face-to-face with a brand-new foe and things are beginning to get personal. The Psiot Safety & Education Program welcomes Livewire into a supported safe haven for psiots. Is Livewire willing to let the same government that once hunted psiots house her family of outcasts?

The last issue of Livewire introduced a new organization to the Valiant Universe in PSEP. Livewire was apprehended and taken in by PSEP, which sets up Livewire #6. Writer Vita Ayala gives us a more cerebral comic than we’ve had before. Livewire is focused on trying to gather information on the organization that may or may not be holding her captive.

Kano‘s style is visually impressive as he makes use of every ounce of space in the page. His focus on the security cameras tells you more than anything that Ayala says. The art to draws your attention and tells you all you need to know. His panels, angles and framing in this comic are once again subtle and yet strangely exciting. It gives the comic a much more traditional feel with the panels and grids. That style works exceptionally well in this issue again.

There’s an awesomely choreographed action scene that is one of the focal points of the book. It works both in terms of how Kano lays it out, and the dialogue that surrounds on page action. One gets the sense that the real fight isn’t necessarily the one happening on screen…

Livewire #6 is a strong, cerebral issue that adds a lot to the story by focusing on the title characters mental and physical assets. Livewire may be an incredibly powerful psiot, but she’s also more than capable without her powers. This issue reminds you of just how compelling that combination is.

Story: Vita Ayala Art: Kano
Letterer: Saida Temofonte
Story: 8.8 Art: 8.9 Overall: 8.8 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review