Review: Obey Me #1

Obey Me #1

Sent to retrieve a soul from a debtor, Vanessa & Monty team up again, exploring the dilapidated streets of the Slums, currently taken over by the Vikers, a dangerous gang. This isn’t a regular collection job, as it seems this debtor managed to pawn his soul to two powerful demons, so there is a conflict brewing over it. Vanessa and Monty need to stay on their toes, as another Demon + Hellhound duo is on the trail of the target and it seems both duos are on a collision course.

You’ve heard the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say…”? Well, although I didn’t hate Obey Me #1, I did find that although the concept and idea was quite interesting, the execution was lacking.

Between occasional moments where the art seemed to be unsure if it was trying to be impressionistic (look at the eyes) to the plot that feels as if it came from Action Movie E (you’re going to figure out the end within three pages), this isn’t a book that’s going to set your world on fire.

Which is a shame because under the flaws there’s a story that’s just waiting for a bit more polish and smoothing on the rough edges before it becomes a story that’s as good as it should be.

Although not an unreadable comic, there’s nothing here to justify your purchase.

Story: Mario Mentasti Art: Ben Herrera
Colourist: Emmanuel Ordaz Torres Letterer: Justin Birch
Story: 6.2 Art: 5.5 Overall: 5.8 Recommendation: Pass

Dynamite provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review.