Review: The Resurrected #1

ressurected“In a future where death is not always the end, a lonely yet resolute Aboriginal-Australian detective challenges the world’s most powerful corporation in a battle to save his people from almost certain extinction. If he is to succeed, he must re-discover his Indigenous roots while also finally learning to overcome the loss of his family who died in the techno-plague that ravished Australia five years earlier.”

The Resurrected #1 is a comic that blends a noir style detective feel with some moderately futuristic technology into a story that evokes BladeRunner comparisons, but with a touch more light and brightness (now, shock and horror, I’ve never actually seen BladeRunner, so the comparisons are – at best – to my idea of the movie rather than the movie itself). Written by Christian Carnouche the comic offers a harsh look at the treatment of the indigenous peoples of Australia in its first few pages, but aside from a general theme of an exiled people, that segment doesn’t have as big of an impact as I’d have expected on the story this issue; though it will doubtless have  a larger effect on later issues.

A bigger question asked by the comic is whether if you could resurrect somebody, should you? The potential social ramifications are explored as the more front and center detective story unfolds before the reader, and it’s that question that will drive me into coming back to the comic as the comic seems ready to really explore a break apart the prejudices between those on e their first life, and those on their second (or third) lives. How this will comment on other, more real world issues remains an interesting proposition.

Artistically, the comic is pretty good; the figures are dynamic and detailed, and the backgrounds full of detail. although the historical inaccuracy of the Union Jack took me a little out of the story right away (Northern Ireland’s red diagonal cross wasn’t added to the flag until the early 1800’s), but other than those minor quibbles, the art is solid, and at times jumps right from the page. Crizam Zamora and Salvatore Aiala provide a level of polish to the comic that you may not necessarily expect from anything other than one of the bigger publishers, and minor niggles aside, are remarkably solid throughout the comic.

Ultimately, The Ressurected #1 is a comic that’s worth checking out if you’re looking for a change of pace from the atypical superhero stories. Yes, there are flaws, but nothing that will hamper your enjoyment of an indie comic that holds enough potential to bring you back for the second issue.

Story: Christian Carnouche Pencils/Inks: Crizam Zamora Colours: Salvatore Aiala
Story: 7.5 Art: 7.8 Overall: 7.6 Recommendation: Read

Carnouche Productions provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review