Review: Harbinger Renegade #4

hr_004_variant_cheungFaith Herbert, the heart and soul of the Harbinger Renegades, has been captured! Now, Peter Stanchek, Kris Hathaway, and John Torkelson must put their powers to practice and rescue their beloved ally from a radicalized group of psiots bent on fraying the fabric of society. But as the rechristened Renegades make their move, their newfound rivals strike first by making Peter an offer he can’t refuse. As the clock ticks closer to tragedy, will the omega-level harbinger make a do-or-die decision to save his friends… or himself?

I’ve read three Valiant comics this week; this, Divinity III #3, and an advanced review copy of X-O Manowar #1. While I really quite enjoyed Harbinger Renegade #4, I did feel that it was the weakest of the three offerings from the publisher – although when that can be said about a comic this good, that’s more a statement of admiration for Valiant’s comics and the high standard they set for themselves.

Harbinger Renegade #4 concludes the first story arc that ends up feeling more like a new introduction to the Renegades (Peter, Torque, Faith and Kris) and their new companions than it does the epic return that many, myself included, were hoping for.

That being said, I understand why Rafer Roberts has framed the first arc as he did, as there would have been some readers new to the franchise that would have otherwise been lost (the same thing that happened to yours truly when picking up Imperium), and in order for any series to thrive you need to attract new readers. The first arc was successfully accessible to new readers, easing them into the characters while still providing long time fans something to enjoy.

Overall, this was a solidly entertaining book that left me wanting more. I can’t ask for more than that in a comic.

Story: Rafer Roberts  Penciler: Darick Robertson 
Inker: Richard Clark Colourist: Brian Reber
Story: 8.5 Art: 8 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review