Universe #5 is Out Now!

If you’re unfamiliar with it Panel Syndicate is a pay what you want digital comic publisher that is producing such amazing comics as Universe, Barrier, The Private Eye, and The Walking Dead: The Alien from talent such as Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martin, Muntsa Vicente, and Albert Monteys.

As a pay what you want service you’re able to name your price to get the digital comics and if you haven’t read any of them you need to correct that.

Universe #5 by Monteys is out now so go get it!

It’s Election Day and the future of our planet is at stake! Wouldn’t you like to know what tomorrow holds for us? Well, we might be able to help out with the newest issue of Brian and Marcos’ favorite sci-fi series, available right now for whatever price you think is fair. Join our main character, Cristina, as she takes a peek into the future… believe us, it might not be as much fun as you might think!


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