Review: Faith #4

faith_004_cover-c_muhrFrom all across the world, fans have flocked to California’s biggest comics convention…but they never expected to see real-life superheroes duking it out! When fandom’s most important event becomes an all-out super-powered melee, can Faith “Zephyr” Herbert and her crossbow-wielding boyfriend, Obadiah Archer, prevent a gang of diabolical con-crashers from turning thousands of spectators into victims of the most brazen caper in comic book history?

Faith #4 opens up with some absolutely fantastic dialogue between Faith, Archer and Faith; if you think I made a typing error there, I didn’t. Picking up right where the last issue left off with our heroine facing an evil doppelganger, or clone, or something else entirely as she and her boyfriend attend a comic-con and try to foil an evil doers plot. It probably sound really cheesy to you reading this, and honestly you’re not far wrong with that, but the thing is  regardless of how cheesy it sounds Jody Houser writes such a compelling story that you can’t help but want to turn the page.

Because it’s Archer’s first con, peppered throughout the comic are legitimate tips to both Archer and the reader for attending their first major con. It’s a nice addition to an already enjoyable comic, but they also serve a much more tongue-in-cheek purpose as the story has progressed from the third to the fourth issue.

To claim that Faith #4 is anything but a light hearted fun comic would be a fallacy, yes there are still little jabs at comic book tropes, but over all this is a beautifully illustrated comic that’s just fun to read.

Sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.

Story: Jody Houser Art: Pere Perez and Marguerite Sauvage
Story: 8.75 Art: 9 Overall: 9 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review.