Review: Ninjak #15

NINJAK_015_COVER-A_CHOIRoku and the remnants of Weaponeer have destroyed Colin King’s home, his identity and his very life. But they made one mistake – they didn’t kill Ninjak when they had the chance!

After the last issue ended, Ninjak, was so utterly defeated at every turn – it seemed like whomever had orchestrated his down fall had done so incredibly well. It was fun to see Ninjak taken apart so effortlessly, and in such a conceivable way.

But now that Colin King is alone, where does he go from here?

Ninjak #15 follows one of the most interesting issues of the series I’ve read to date, and the quality is consistent between the issues. Matt Kindt is going back to basics in terms of Ninjak‘s equipment (i.e. he has nothing), but it’s not like the former agent is exactly harmless, either. Personally, I really enjoy the types of stories that strip everything from a character, especially one who usually relies upon a lot of technology or weaponry (or both) – it’s one of the reasons that I loved Iron Man 3 more than the other two movies in that franchise.

The opening chapter to The Siege Of King’s Castle was certainly accessible for new-to-Ninjak readers, and while this one isn’t as easy to jump into, it is certainly doable despite it being the middle part of the arc. While this style of back to basics tale may not be everybody’s cup of tea, Ninjak #15 is a strong Ninjak tale, albeit one focused less on the ninja stylings of our protagonist and more on the more typically traditional spy-like activity one would usually associate with characters like James Bond.

I’m a fan of the arc so far, but after the last arc falling at the final hurdle, I’m cautious of how this three parter will end.

Overall, this is one of the stronger issues of Ninjak I’ve read in some time, and as the opening chapter to a new story arc, it’s a very accessible one to new readers. Whether the arc continues to build on the promise shown here only time will tell, but I’ll be along for the ride.

The Seige Of King’s Castle
Story: Matt Kindt Art: Diego Bernard
The Lost Files
Story: Matt Kindt Art: Khoi Pham
Story: 9 Art: 9 Overall: 9 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with  FREE copy for review.