TV Review: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ep. 13 – T.R.A.C.K.S.

Warning Spoilers Ahead

Agents_of_SHIELD_logoIn a rather over the top situation, the team heads to a train to track down the Clairvoyant where the mission goes completely off the rail splitting them up. Marvel has promised a game changing episode with a third act that’ll change the series. That’s a pretty bold claim.

Overall, the episode is an improvement, continuing the second half of the season that is much improved from the lackluster first half. The action is constant and the episode mixes that action with humor quite well.

Overall, the episode also continues the series finally piecing together the various threads of the series. The second half of the season has moved away from the “monster of the week” for the most part instead creating an ongoing narrative of the team’s pursuit of the Clairvoyant and his/her organization.

There was some actual damage done in this episode. The series finally gives us some real consequences. That, the action, the acting, the plot, it’s all improved here. That episode ends too with the confirmation (though it’s been confirmed in interviews) of fan favorite character Deathlok.

Overall, the episode is an improvement. If we had an entire season like this one episode, things would be solid. Crossing my fingers we’ll see more episodes like this. I wouldn’t call it a bold change, but it was a serious improvement.

Writer: Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen, Brent Fletcher
Overall Score: 7.75

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