Tag Archives: kidz

Review: Kidz #1

Kidz #1

We’ve seen many stories and comics set in the world of zombies. It was a popular thing for quite a while and we reached the oversaturation point. So, can a story do something new in that genre to stand out? Kidz #1 might have pulled that off with a zombie meets Lord of the Flies vibe.

Written by Aurélien Ducoudray the comic is an interesting one. Taking place months after a zombie plague, the story revolves around a group of boys who have survived and banded together. We get to know them as so many stories of the sort do as they hunt down a zombie to dispatch. But, Ducoudray delivers on us understanding who these kids are. They needle each other, in ways that are cringe-worthy at times, but that’s what kids their age do.

The characters fall into defined types and that’s where the comic lacks a bit. The overweight kid is picked on, the alpha kid has insecurities and issues with his past. These things we’ve seen before and maybe slight tweaks to personalities would make the comic go from good to amazing. But, it’s early and I’m sure there’s more to come in that department. Ducoudray also focuses on enough details to answer questions in how the kids are living. While there’s many more questions out there, there’s enough details to allow you to enjoy the story.

The art by Jocelyn Joret delivers. There’s a Gorillaz vibe to it all. The art mixed with the story creates a story that’s more playful than the story really is. Along with lettering by Carlos M. Mangual, the visuals take the comic from horror to something else. Much like The Goon, the art both works for the genre but also twists it in some ways making it a bit more comedic.

Kidz #1 takes a genre which was winding down and delivers a new aspect that breathes life into it. There’s many ways this series can go and if the team can avoid too many cliches, the series will really stand out. There’s something that’s really interesting here making it a series to watch out for.

Story: Aurélien Ducoudray Art: Jocelyn Joret
Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
Story: 7.85 Art: 8.0 Overall: 7.9 Recommendation:

Ablaze provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Graphic Policy’s Top Comic Picks this Week!

The Runaway Princess

Wednesdays are new comic book day! Each week hundreds of comics are released, and that can be pretty daunting to go over and choose what to buy. That’s where we come in!

Each week our contributors choose what they can’t wait to read this week or just sounds interesting. In other words, this is what we’re looking forward to and think you should be taking a look at!

Find out what folks think below, and what comics you should be looking out for this Wednesday.

Atlantis Attacks #1 (Marvel) – Marvel has been building to something involving Namor and we’re in for another piece of that bigger picture puzzle.

Batman #87 (DC Comics) – The new team has taken Batman in a new direction and all of the themes and upcoming stories hinted at in the last issue has us intrigued enough to see what else there is to come.

Ghostbusters: Year One #1 (IDW Publishing) – Never before seen adventures of the first year of the team after they’ve defeated Gozer.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (Marvel) – The team has saved the universe once again and decided to relax and take a vacation. But the returned Olympians ravaging the universe have a different plan. A new volume that seems to be the main series so much of Marvel’s Cosmic Universe will revolve around.

Kidz #1 (Ablaze) – Ablaze is an up and coming new publisher whose material has been solid so far. This zombie apocalypse has a twist in focusing on young boys whose world is turned upside down when some girls come to town.

Once & Future #6 (BOOM! Studios) – A fantastic modern fantasy series that plays with Arthurian legend. Well worth checking out.

Runaway Princess (Random House Graphic) – The publisher kicks off their new line of graphic novels with this one that follows the adventures of a Princess who has runaway. Kids’ comics are an explosive business and it’s always interesting to see the new releases and imprints focused on that audience.

Vampire State Building #4 (Ablaze) – Vampire survival goodness taking place in the Empire State Building. It’s just entertaining, solid, horror, and action.

The Visitor #2 (Valiant) – The Visitor targets the world’s leaders in this very intriguing series from Valiant written by Paul Levitz that has us wanting to see more and how it fits into the Valiant big picture.

Wonder Woman #750 (DC Comics) – It’s a huge issue with a who’s who of creators celebrating the iconic character. There’s also stories that will define Wonder Woman, and the DC Universe, going forward.