Jury finds Google has an illegal monopoly in its app store in Epic win

Epic Win

It’s been a fight going on for three years, but we finally have a bit of an answer as to who wins in the Epic Games vs. Apple and Google. Epic has won the first round. The jury has made a decision in Epic v. Google and found that Google turned the Google Play app store and Google Play Billing service into an illegal monopoly.

The jury answered yes to every question and came to the conclusion that Google has monopoly power when it comes to the Android app distribution market and in-app billing. Also Google made anticompetitive moves in those markets. And, Epic was injured by that. Basically, up and down when it comes to this Google was doing shady and illegal things.

It’s a big turn as Epic’s fight with Apple didn’t go as well when the judge decided the fight had nothing to do with apps.

There’s still a bit to go as it’s unclear what Epic has won, Judge James Donato must decide on that. Epic didn’t sue for money and instead has been pushing to allow developers freedom of their own app stores and billing systems on Android.

There’s a near guarantee Google will appeal the case. The result has massive implications for any app that has a built in store/market as well as how apps are distributed for instance digital comic distribution platforms/readers/stores.

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