Magnetic Press, Harlequin, DC, and AAM-Markosia Delivers Today’s New Digital Releases

There are five new comics available now on comiXology. You can choose between Magnetic Press, Harlequin, DC, and AAM-Markosia. Get shopping now or check out the individual releases below.

Represent! (2020-) #10

Written by Frederick Joseph
Pencils Keron Grant
Inks Keron Grant


This is the story of a young man’s battle with multiple sclerosis and the harmful and toxic stereotypes placed on Black people to be consistently “strong” during adversity. After struggling with immense fatigue and other physical difficulty, Frederick finds out at 24 years old that he has multiple sclerosis. He has to learn to live with not only his disease but the various obstacles that come along with it, including obstacles specific to him being Black. Ultimately, Frederick finds the courage and energy to push forward in some special and unlikely places, resulting in him becoming a stronger and better person than he was before his diagnosis.

Represent! (2020-) #10

Brindille Vol. 1 #5

Written by Frédéric Brrémaud
Art by Frédéric Brrémaud
Cover by Frédéric Brrémaud

Having survived the underwater trials, the girl returns with the mermaid skins that will heal the wolf. And just in time, too… the Shadow Hunters are drawing near, and she hasn’t much time to learn how to defend herself for their imminent attack…

Brindille Vol. 1 #5

Falling For The Frenchman

Written by Claire Baxter
Art by Nayuna Sakurano

Beth had a dilemma. The winery she inherited from her late father was bought by a large French corporation that was trying to increase profits by producing large quantities of low-quality wine. If she didn’t give in to their demands, they would remove her from her position as manager of the company. Plus, the person who was sent to make that decision was Pierre, the man who dumped Beth ten years ago! She knew he was trying to push her out. Beth forced herself to forget about Pierre by concentrating on making wine, but then she learned about the unexpected circumstances that he was in!

Falling For The Frenchman

Le Joyau De Sa Couronne

Written by Lynne Graham
Art by Ryo Arisawa

Ruby travaille comme réceptionniste dans la campagne anglaise. Un jour, a prince nommé Raja, venant de Najar au Moyen-Orient, apparaît devant elle à la recherche d’un mariage politique. Sa mère est l’ancienne épouse du Roi d’Ashur, un pays voisin. Afin de répondre aux conditions d’un accord de paix nouvellement signé, Raja est venu récupérer Ruby, la seule héritière au trône d’Ashur. Mais elle rejette sèchement son offre, ne voulant pas devenir comme sa mère, qui a connu beaucoup de misères. Bien sûr que cette réponse entraînerait la colère de Raja, mais elle est surprise qu’il réponde avec un sourire endiablé et énigmatique…

Le Joyau De Sa Couronne

Today the Tiger Smiled

Written by Randy Cruts
Art by Dillon Snook

Continually at odds, a battle-hardened military man and his draft-dodging son constantly clash over the Vietnam War until they both find themselves actually fighting in its war-torn jungles. Amidst the horrors, father and son manage to communicate through all the combat and meet, finally bridging the age-old generation gap. The War rages but both men must engage their own life or death situations in order to survive each individual’s tour of duty.

Today the Tiger Smiled