Review: Jade Street Protection Services


Jade Street Protection Services is a colorful and diverse graphic novel following the adventures of five magical adolescent girls in an elite private boarding school, Matsdotter Academy, that harnesses their powers.  Saba, Noemi, Divya, Kai, and Emma are far from model students and find themselves in detention with one another. They cut their punishment short for kebabs, frozen yogurt, and fun moments for themselves only to end up encountering more trouble than pastimes. The comic describes itself as “The Breakfast Club of Hogwarts” and that fits quite well.

Jade Street Protection Services collects the individual issues featuring four chapters each presenting us with different settings and scenarios for us to see how our five protagonists utilize their gifts and come together as a team. Written by Katy Rex, the overall story is good, fast-paced, and full of action.

The main attraction of Jade Street is its immensely vivid and colorful artwork that is consistently cohesive and gradients naturally from page to page and panel to panel. Fabian Lelay provides the linework, Mara Jayne Carpenter the color, and Taylor Esposito handles lettering. Its overall scintillating look is further emphasized by its diverse characters of various backgrounds, including an autistic, non-verbal protagonist.  

It’s very face on and what you see is what you get. 

Story: Katy Rex Art: Fabian Lelay
Color: Mara Jayne Carpenter Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Editor: Magdalene Visaggio Cover Art: Annie Wu

Black Mask Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyAmazonKindle

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