Review: Bone Parish #5

Bone Parish #5

The war between the Winters and the Cartel continues its bloody rampage. With the terrible power of the Ash behind them, the Winters stand a decent chance. But Ash is not without its dangers, and some of them are already falling to Ash Madness…

I’m a big fan of crime and mob stories. Goodfellas, New Jack City, these are films I watch over and over. I’m not a fan of horror, rarely enjoying those types of films and only every so often enjoying that genre in comics. But, there’s one creator whose horror work I do enjoy, Cullen Bunn.

Bone Parish #5 picks up from the first trade with blood spilled and war looming between two crime families. It’s a bit of a transition issue in that it has various characters reflecting on what transpired and where things go from here. There’s lots of maneuvering and the build up of tension in what’s sure to be a blood bath down the road.

What isn’t touch upon a lot is the core concept of the series in that there’s a drug being made out of the ashes of the dead. There’s some winks and nods about that here and there but new readers might miss that core concept of the series. Even without that tidbit, this is still a comic that fans of mob stories will enjoy.

Bunn is helped by the art of Jonas Scharf, colors by Alex Guimarães and lettering by Ed Dukeshire. Though the issue doesn’t dive too much into the supernatural aspects of the series, the art still drives home the tone of that. There’s an ominous look to everything and a dreamlike state during particular scenes. There’s also a beauty to the horror and the style feels befitting to its home of New Orleans.

While the issue might not be the best place to start, there’s also a trade released this week covering the first four issues, it is a place you can start. It’s a great comic focusing more on the jockeying of the mob members more than anything and that unto itself is entertaining. This is a transition issue reflecting on the past and setting up the future. It’s all about the mood and setting and delivers a solid read that entertains.

Story: Cullen Bunn Art: Jonas Scharf
Color: Alex Guimarães Lettering: Ed Dukeshire
Story: 8.15 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.4 Recommendation: Buy

BOOM! Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review