Wil Wheaton Comes to Baltimore Comic-Con 2018

Come to the Baltimore Comic-Con on September 28-30, 2018 at the Inner Harbor’s Baltimore Convention Center. Tickets can be purchased on-line with debit or credit card now to avoid standing in additional lines. The Baltimore Comic-Con has announced the addition of movie, television, and Internet star Wil Wheaton as a guest of the show both Friday and Saturday.

Wil Wheaton is an author, actor, and producer. He is best known for his work on The Big Bang TheoryStar Trek: The Next Generation, and Stand By Me. He is the co-creator, with Felicia Day, of the award-winning webseries, Tabletop. He is an award-winning and critically acclaimed audiobook narrator. His narration includes Ready Player OneThe Collapsing EmpireRed ShirtsStrange Weather, and Masters of Doom. As a voice actor, Wil has performed in Teen TitansStretch Armstrong and the Flex FightersBen Ten: Alien ForceMarvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, and Disney’s Miles from Tomorrowland.

Wil lives with depression and anxiety, and is an outspoken advocate for mental health care. He is the recipient of the 2014 Rona and Ken Purdy Award to End Discrimination, awarded by NAMI.

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