Review: Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1

bmbreb_cv1_dsSix months have passed since the events of Batman Beyond #16. While areas of destruction remain in the outside world, Gotham City has made great strides toward reclaiming its bright future. But new threats arise and old adversaries may be coming back. And the question still remains: whatever happened to Bruce Wayne?

I’ve never been a big fan of Batman Beyond. I’ve only seen a couple of episodes of the animated show, and the comics I’ve read sparingly. So, I was intrigued to see where writer Dan Jurgens would take things in Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1. The issue is a back to basics issue catching folks up with the character and the Gotham of the future.

It’s a good, but not great issue. There’s a good reveal in at the end of it that has me wanting to return for the next, but the story itself is pretty basic with the future Batman fighting a gang. It does have the feel of the bit of the cartoon that I’ve seen, in other words, this issue feels like something you could give to younger kids, though it’s definitely not an all-ages comic.

There’s a lot that’s left out there for new readers that just isn’t explained. None of it is vital information, but you definitely will walk away wondering what you missed.

The art by Ryan Sook is solid. I really dig that aspect. It’s slightly different than the animated series but it still feels like it’s the same world. Sook presents a Gotham of the future in both the city itself and the characters that inhabit it. But, what I think is really impressive is this isn’t some over the top future. It’s muted in many ways and feels like a natural growth from what exists now, not some massive leap.

The issue is good, though not great. As I said, it’s got a reveal at the end that has me wanting to see what comes next, and hopefully, things pick up a bit more in the overall comic, but as far as getting people excited, the end results is a bit bland.

Story: Dan Jurgens Art: Ryan Sook
Story: 6.75 Art: 7.5 Overall: 6.75 Recommendation: Read

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review