Tag Archives: sam kramer

Review: A Knight in Kansas City #2

A Knight in Kansas City #2

When we think of a cult, we’re used to situations mostly revolving around ones that sprouted up around an ideal, a person, or a religion. Many of them are harmless and a good number of them have become a circus, both good and bad, in some ways.

After watching Surviving R.Kelly over the past few nights, it has given me a different view of what a cult is. The show itself, started off as an examination of the many rumors about Kelly’s sexual proclivities and his “harem”. What became apparent throughout the series is that it was more than rumors,and what happened in his inner circle,was both disgusting and should be considered “sex slavery”. The rules, conditions, and power dynamics that were imposed on these women shined a light on the devaluation of black women that were not seen in the public eye as it should have been.  The reality is who knows what disgusting details could have been left.

In the second issue of A Knight In Kansas City, Kay’s investigation into a cult gets deeper and fatal for some.

As Kay searches for answers, she stumbles upon a boy whose mother was deep into the cult and may lead her to the answers she is looking for. What she finds in her search is a mysterious videotape, which exposes the dirty secrets the Knights have been hiding and what it could mean to the city. Kay gets motivated by the venom of the propaganda to confront Brother Willem and the rest of hierarchy at the Knights headquarters.

Overall, it’s an engaging second issue that gives the story a bit of a jolt that keeps reader interested. The story by
Daniel Gargallo and Sam Kramer is full of pulp, action packed and scintillating. The art by Luana Vecchio and Mike Stock is intense and elegant. Altogether, it’s a fine sophomore episode of this story, one that adds even more mystery to this pot boiler.

Story: Daniel Gargallo and Sam Kramer
Art: Luana Vecchio and Mike Stock
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Review: A Knight in Kansas City #1

A Knight in Kansas City #1

There is something about the 1970s. To me, it feels like a time and space where people were more trusting. It was a time when people left doors unlocked depending on where you lived. People also actually knew their neighbors. Life was a bit simpler than it is today and so were people along with it.

The movies that came out during this time was Hollywood at its most trippiest and most experiment heavy. This was the era which both birthed Close Encounters Of the Third Kind and Kiss The Movie, both classics in their own right and earmarks of what the era was. Some of the bet movies featured low budgets and revolved around storylines that you would only find in pulp novels. Some of my favorites dealt with a hero or heroine putting it all on the line in the name of love, which is a story I found in the debut issue of A Knight In Kansas City.

We are taken to Kansas City in 2015 where we meet Kay, a young lady who is lovelorn over a woman she has fallen hard for, Sara. Sara soon finds out that Kay is caught in a cult, one which requires a sacrifice and it may be her. This prompts Sara to infiltrate the cult’s temple and find out just how deep Kay is involved with these people and the cult.

Overall, it’s an excellent debut issue which drops the reader in a world which will both intrigue and bewilder them. The story by Daniel Gargallo and Sam Kramer is clever, exciting, and stacked with mystery. The art by Luanna Vecchio and Dashiell Saathoff is elegant and vivid. Altogether, it’s an excellent comic that will give fans of mysteries a story they can dive in to.

Story: Daniel Gargallo and Sam Kramer
Art: Luanna Vecchio and Dashiell Saathoff
Story: 9.6 Art: 9.5 Overall: 9.67 Recommendation: Buy