Exclusive Preview: Henrique Coser Moreira’s The First Day of May

Here is a book to celebrate firsts. That first magical day of spring, when it seems the whole world is bursting with life. That first time bursting out of your house after being cooped up for SO long. Your first time on the swingset. Your first time seeing a butterfly. Your first time exploring the world with someone you love. From Henrique Coser Moreira comes a wordless ode to joy and discovery that will stir readers young and old, The First Day of May.

Henrique Coser Moreira was born in the city of Curitiba, Brazil, in 1998. As a child, he was very shy, quiet, and observant, and used to spend his days drawing in the margins of books, notebooks, or on his desk. Today he is an illustrator and graphic designer. His debut book, The First Day of May, won the 4th Serpa International Prize for Picturebooks, was selected for the 57th Illustrators Exhibition at Bologna Children’s Book Fair, and received a Special Mention for the Bologna Ragazzi Award (BRAW) in the “Comics – Early Reader” category.

The First Day of May is out now from Levine Querido.

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