Review: Ordinal Tempest #1

Ordinal Tempest #1

As a child of the 1980s, the decade has a clear resonance to today’s creators. Everything that has been created since has some string that leads back to some pop culture reference to that time. Take for instance, the Star Wars franchise, which has expanded since Disney’s purchase. The franchise started in the late 1970s, leading to its resonance in the 1980s and beyond. Which brings me to Steven Speilberg and his influence on creators since his entry in Hollywood.

You can look back at Close Encounters Of The Third Kind and see how he has influenced a generation of filmmakers who embrace science fiction and treat it as many book readers do, escapism. His influence can be seen in JJ Abrams’ Super 8, which had echoes of ET and that seminal film. The story of alien invasion and the power of the human spirit to fight was, and still is, timeless. Noir Ceasar has brought their own unique take on this storied canon in their debut issue of Ordinal Tempest.

We meet Fiora, an Intrepid pilot, who is carrying the body of her comrade, Drake, and soon finds herself caught in a fight with an alien. As she turns her blaster on it, she has no choice but to leave her friend, who is dealt a fatal blow, by the invader. Fast forward, Fiora gets a new assignment in the Frontlines, where she is expected to see more action and where we meet her new unit, which includes Lance, a brash young pilot, and Wende, an old friend. By the issue’s end, Fiora sees the Intrepid symbiote she will pilot, giving her high hopes of what’s to come.

Overall, an interesting story that reminds me of Robotech and blazes a trail all its own. The story by the creative team of Lawrence, Marcus Johnson, and Chris Krady is intriguing. The art by Krady is gorgeous. Altogether, a story that will have you pulling out old VHS tapes of Mecha Anime.

Story: John Lawrence, Marcus Johnson, and Chris Krady
Art: Chris Krady
Story: 9.0Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0Recommendation: Buy