Review: Spellbound Vol. 2 Urban Magic

Spellbound Vol. 2 Urban Magic

Anyone who has ever watched SyFy Channel knows the network has a superior inventory of programming when it comes to the geek genre. The network was first started as a network which would stream old science fiction movies and television shows. This would slowly change as they started introducing original programming which included both movies and television shows. One of my personal favorites was Eureka, about a community filled with the brightest minds in the world.

Then the came other shows like Warehouse 13, which combined all the intriguing aspects of X-Files, but only a more light-hearted take on the concept. Then there is the one show that seems to be the dark horse favorite of anyone who watches it, Lost Girl. The show embraces magical myths but set in an urban landscape and ruled by a numinous monarchy. The world created by the show makes you believe that there is a world that not everyone gets to see. In the second volume of Spellbound, the Boston Comics Round Table gives the world new tales that both astonish and dazzle.

In “What Circe Up to Now?,” we find the Greek goddess as she endures a “mortal” day, one which tries her patience as much as we do. In 
“The Sword In The Store,” a talking sword gets bought and becomes more than what the buyer expected. In “Salt Circle,” some pedestrians run across a monster who takes the first victim who becomes skeptical of its abilities. In “The Protector,” gives us an alternate reality which treats demons like refugees. In “The Legend of The Pope Lick Creek Monster,” tells of an animal god whose power ruled man from the day a clan settled there until now where it charms its victims to their deaths. In “Taco Truck Wizard,” one wizard tells of how food trucks are used in the battles between wizards. In “Facetime,” one man falls asleep and his face decides to have party all on its own and to have his face discombobulated once he wakes up. In the last story I will highlight, “NextHex,” a coven of witches uses their collective powers to hex a curmudgeon who had upset their evening.

Overall, the comics collection is excellent and different. Readers will both enjoy and be intrigued by these new voices. The stories are fun and exciting. The art is alluring and gorgeous. Altogether, it’s a set of stories which coalesce into an interesting narrative of a city beneath its underbelly.

Story: Irene Spassova , Barbara Thomas, John Bell, Kyri Lorenz, Samuel Cleggett, Patrick Scarborough, Catalina Rufin, Adrian Alvarez,Ben Rutberg, John Carvajal,  Brendan Tobin, Beth Barnett, Dan Mazur, Holly Fultz
Art: Irene Spassova , Timothy Wall, Anthony Lathrop, Kyri Lorenz, Samuel Cleggett, Patrick Scarborough, Catalina Rufin, Adrian Alvarez, Ben Rutberg, John Carvajal, Brendan Tobin, Beth Barnett, Dan Mazur, Holly Fultz
Edited By: Jonathan Hayes, Beth Barnett, Adrian Alvarez, Daniel Welch, and Cyn
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy