Tag Archives: rick eaddy

Review: Whyte and Wong #1

One of the most addictive subgenres on television and in the movies are buddy action movies. Who wouldn’t want to go on an adventure with their best friend, and if it involves getting in some trouble, so be it. The best ones are usually when you actually see the main characters get to know each other, and you see how their bond gets created. One of my favorite movies of recent memory, just so happens to do this, which was Pineapple Express, which was a coupling of different genres, but at its heart, it was a buddy action movie.

Then there the most frequent ones that are portrayed, the buddy cop movies. Of course, the one movie series, that has infiltrated popular culture, Lethal Weapon, which is looking to spawn a new movie and is its second season as a television show. The series has had its imitators over the years, not one as successful, and not for a lack of trying. So, when I heard about Whyte & Wong, I was game to see if these creators could imitate that feeling those movies had.

In the opening pages we Wong, a young police officer, who is more of a slapstick comedian than a police officer, who has to go through a psychological evaluation. He is in line for a promotion, going from patrol to detective and gets assigned to a veteran detective named Whyte. As the wo get to know each other, Whyte increasingly gets annoyed at Wong, but finds his instincts invaluable. By issue’s end, Whyte ends up trusting Wong, to let him know that the department is crooked.

Overall, an interesting attempt at the buddy cop genre. The story by Ricky Eaddy is average at best, as he goes straight for the joke, and tells none of the story. The art by Eaddy and Dennis Nancarrow complements the story. Altogether, there are better cop stories in comics,and this is far from one of the best.

Story: Ricky Eaddy Art: Ricky Eaddy and Dennis Nancarrow
Story: 5.0 Art: 5.0 Overall: 5.0 Recommendation: Read