Tag Archives: maelstrom

Review: Aquaman #40

aquaman040One of the great successes of the new 52 relaunch by DC Comics was the treatment given to Aquaman.  Almost immediately upon his return it was evident that something was going to be done differently, and that the character was going to be treated in a manner that was more deserving of his past.  What is potentially worrisome therefore is that DC is launching into another mini-reboot, and it is one which will incorporate in aspects of continuity from before Flashpoint.  While this might not be the best news for the character as the company heads into Convergence, it at least provided one more opportunity to tell another great story, and that was to determine the fate of Arthur’s mother, previously assumed to have died. As the events of Maelstrom have been laid out it is evident that she did not die, but this alone was not enough to guarantee the success of this story arc.

As the previous issue demonstrated, Aquaman was able to find his mother, but also that she refused to believe his lineage.  As was hinted at this was due to her desire to refuse to believe, in order to not revisit her past, but as a plot device it was fairly weak.  This carries on this issue as well, as she continues to struggle with this aspect of her past.  It is an unfortunate development, as it takes away from what would otherwise be a strong character and a strong premise.  Evidently there are plans somewhere down the road for the reintroduction of this character, but this reintroduction was not as strong as it could be as the writing of the character let her down a bit.  Although it was in the interest of setting up a battle, it likely could have been handled in another way, unless there is a desperate need for this angle in a future story.  Hindsight may prove to be more insightful, but at the moment, this let this story down, at least partially.

Aquaman thus heads into Convergence with one of its weaker stories behind it.  It is unlikely to have a dire effect on the character or the series as it is already plotted to return in June after the crossover, but this story arc left an unfortunate impression on the series before heading into hiatus.   As DC brings back the old Aquaman for a bit, this story arc was one which was more representative of the older Aquaman’s failures.  It will be interesting to see how Convergence changes the character as the success of this character is interesting to note, especially that there will be an Aquaman movie at some point.  For the time being Aquaman fans will have to be happy for the previous 40 issues, even if the end was a bit mediocre.

 Story: Jeff Parker Art: Paul Pelletier
Story: 7.7 Art: 7.7 Overall: 7.7 Recommendation: Read

Review: Aquaman #38

am38covSo far the story in Maelstrom has been that of uncommon villains in the attempt to find his mother.  First there was the Martian Manhunter, driven to craziness by the superstructure that is the Atlantean mind, and then there was Gorilla Grodd who was found on the other side of an Atlantean portal.  In the search for Arthur’s mother, what there has been little of is focus solely on the two main heroes of this series and that finally comes here.  This renewed focus surprisingly doesn’t work to the benefit of this issue though, as this one falls a little flat compared to the other two that preceded it in this story arc.

What the previous two were able to do was to make the guest characters relevant in a way to Aquaman which did not seem too much of a stretch.  The hive mind that infected J’onn was well conceived and well written, as was the ancient connection of Atlanteans to Gorilla City.  This issue on the other hand is full of somewhat random action sequences which lead up to the furthering of the plot.  Instead of some real bad guy in this story, another trip through the portals finds Arthur and Mera in the South Pacific, to which they quickly find the final teleportation seal.  This was a bit of a stretch in itself, but the generic monsters that appear to stop the two of them from advancing takes some away from the story.  It feels as though it would have been better just to move on with the plot than to waste time with a generic fight

This is still not a bad issue, only that it is more focused on action than needs to be.  Of course the readers are more interested in finding the fate of Arthur’s mother, and this issue helps to drag out the story arc by an extra issue.  There may have been a better story to be told here, but this nonetheless fits in with the remainder of the story arc thus far, only that it is the weakest entry of the three.  With the revelation at the end of the issue, it would seem as though the story arc is going to hit high gear in the next issue, but for the mean time this was a long interlude to get there.

Story: Jeff Parker Art: Paul Pelletier
Story: 7.7 Art: 7.7 Overall: 7.7 Recommendation: Read