Comics Reviews

Review: Rock and Roll Terrorist: The Graphic Life of Shock Rocker GG Allin

Shock rocker GG Allin was a rapist, abuser, and criminal. His life and over the top performances are explored in this graphic novel from writer/artist Reid Chancellor.

Rock and Roll Terrorist: The Graphic Life of Shock Rocker GG Allin is a solid introduction to the musician whose life was full of controversy from early on.

Story: Reid Chancellor
Art: Reid Chancellor

Get your copy now! To find a comic shop near you, visit or call 1-888-comicbook or digitally and online with the links below.

Microcosm Publishing

Microcosm Publishing provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review
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Comics Crowdfunding

Kickstarter Spotlight: Hardcore Anxiety is a Graphic Guide to Mental Health Struggles

Hardcore Anxiety: A Graphic Guide to Punk and Mental Health tracks the mental health struggles of great punk rockers as creator Reid Chancellor also opens up about his own experiences.

The graphic novel focuses on the connections between punk rock and mental health. He brings to life punk’s ability to express rage, anxiety, depression, and insanity but also the community that makes life worth living delivering a helpful and message.

The Kickstarter being run by Microcosm Publishing ends April 26 at 11:33 EDT. Rewards include digtial and physical copies as well as exclusive posters and more.