Comics Reviews

Review: House of Penance #2

Strange, addicting, and enthralling!

Sarah Winchester’s house is always under construction—the banging of hammers keeps her demons at bay. Her construction crew of vagrants and murderers build, tear down, and rebuild the mansion according to her visions. But her newest employee, Warren Peck, has brought some demons of his own . . .

A historical tale of horror from creator Peter Tomasi!

House of Penance is strange, addicting, and enthralling. This second issue continues the strange vein of creepy places, strange blood red worms, and odd flashbacks courtesy of Warren Peck. Even the sea of worms seems to grow as it comes and goes. Which makes me curious as to why it is growing, along the creepy forger person who makes a brief appearance.

I will admit the more the artist zooms up on Sarah Winchester’s eyes, it makes me wonder why. There is something creepy about that vacant blue eyed stare. The last few pages artwork is stunning and creepy.  I won’t spoil what happens in those pages, but be warned it is graphic.

Story: Peter Tomasi Art: Ian Bertram
Story: 8.5 Art: 9 Overall: 8.75 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

By Christopher Scott Author

Well, when I was younger I wanted to be writer or power ranger from what I recall.Growing up I read constantly, and slowly started to write. Over time my interests changed, but my love of writing remained. I originally went to college for mechanical engineering but dropped out to financial reasons beyond my control.Going through college I wrote when I could, since that has always been a passion. I spend my free time writing, reading and helping out my local FIRST robotics team.

My first book The Nightshadow Chronicles is available through B & N, amazon, google play and other major ebook retailers.