Comics Reviews

Review: Black Hammer #6


Madame Dragonfly has been harboring dark secrets for hundreds of years, keeping them locked up in the mysterious Cabin of Horrors. Now that her cabin is trapped on Black Hammer Farm, the only secrets she can collect are the broken hearts of small-town folk. But the arrival of a new visitor to the farm will change everything.

Strange things are plentiful in Black Hammer #6 written by Jeff Lemire. Some of those strange things are simple, while others are melancholic. That mix makes this issue an intriguing read. The focus of the issue is on the mysterious Madame Dragonfly and her past. Lemire delivers a surprise at the end that makes me want to know what happens next and excited to read more of the series.

The art by Dean Ormston is much darker than previous issues. That darker tone works well for the issue given the dark and tragic nature of Madame Dragonfly’s tale. Despite the dark tone, there are a few bright spots in Ormston’s art as well.

Story: Jeff Lemire Art: Dean Ormston
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

By Christopher Scott Author

Well, when I was younger I wanted to be writer or power ranger from what I recall.Growing up I read constantly, and slowly started to write. Over time my interests changed, but my love of writing remained. I originally went to college for mechanical engineering but dropped out to financial reasons beyond my control.Going through college I wrote when I could, since that has always been a passion. I spend my free time writing, reading and helping out my local FIRST robotics team.

My first book The Nightshadow Chronicles is available through B & N, amazon, google play and other major ebook retailers.