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Vault Announces The Blue Flame by Christopher Cantwell, Adam Gorham, Kurt Michael Russell, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

A thought-provoking cosmic superhero maxi-series.

Vault Comics has announced The Blue Flame, an utterly unique and thought-provoking cosmic superhero maxi-series from writer Christopher Cantwell, artist Adam Gorham, colorist Kurt Michael Russell, letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and designer Tim Daniel

The Blue Flame is a cosmic hero. The Blue Flame is a DIY vigilante that fights crime on the streets of Milwaukee. The Blue Flame is a blue collar HVAC repairman named SAM BRAUSAM. In the wake of a horrific tragedy, the boundaries of the Blue Flame’s identity blur even further. Now, before a universal trial, the Blue Flame must prove that humanity is worth saving. But in order to do that, Sam Brausam has to save himself. Can he?

The Blue Flame #1 will hit store shelves in May 2021, and will debut with a special Vault Vintage cover from Nathan Gooden and Tim Daniel that pays homage to Dave Stevens’ legendary cover to Rocketeer Adventure Magazine #1.