Comics Crowdfunding Solicits

Simon Says Goes from Kickstarter to Image

Image Comics has announced an all-new, original graphic novel, Simon Says by Andre R. Frattino and Jesse Lee which will paint a post-World War II Europe in a scarlet shade of revenge this September.

Simon Says is a drama-filled, crime noir story that follows a former artist to the Führer who hunts down and seeks justice upon the Nazis he witnessed murder his friends and loved ones during the war. It is an original graphic novel inspired by true events and by a real world Holocaust survivor, Simon Wiesenthal, an artist who lost his family and took justice into his own hands.

Originally launched as a Kickstarter, the first issue raised $11,667 from 474 backers. The creators updated the project in August 2018 announcing it’d be released as a graphic novel.

Simon Says will be available in comic shops on Wednesday, September 11 and available in bookstores on Tuesday, September 17.