Comics Reviews

Review: Train 8: The Zombie Express #2

“Nowhere To Run” was one of my favorite songs from Motown. I would hear the song in my parents’ house growing up ever so often and instantly get transported to another time and place. The voices of Martha and the Vandellas made that song soar and I can even hear it now. It brings back happy memories. It wasn’t until I saw the song play in a certain video that it gave me perspective.

It was used in NWA’s “100 Miles and Runnin,” and in that context was used to illustrate what the group was trying to convey. Since then, I wished that it was used more in horror movies. The irony of the lyrics combined with the situation would make for a perfect scene. In the second issue of Train 8: The Zombie Express, the unaffected passengers must find a way both survive and save humanity.

We catch up with the passengers as the train passes through the Idaho mountains and as Conductor Johnson looks for any life beyond the passenger cab he inhabits. As Tyler and the last of the unaffected passengers make their way through the train, they find the carnage left by those who are infected. We also find out that greater powers have their hands in what is going on and they try their best to contain the virus. By issue’s end, the remaining passengers find an empty cab and temporary refuge while one of them is trapped in a cabin full of primordials.

Overall, a nail biter of an issue which leaves you on the edge of your seat. The story by the creative team is action packed, well told, and smart. The art by the creative team complements the story well. Altogether, an exciting issue that sets up what looks to more than satisfy fans.

Story: Marysol Levant, Brian Phillipson, David Stephan
Art: Alex Cormack, Ashley Cormack
Story: 9.6 Art: 9.3 Overall: 9.6 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews

Review: Train 8: The Zombie Express #1

One of the best movies I have ever seen, because of its transcendence of concept and genre, was Snowpiercer. At first glance, the movie seemed to be one of those abstract films within the science fiction genre, that one would have to see a few times to understand the meaning. The most obvious and most used example is Inception which uses the well-researched science behind sleep and dreams to create an evocative celluloid classic. One my favorite movies, although many do not consider it a science fiction movie, is Adjustment Bureau which blends the genre with romance movies.

As affecting as these movies are, they are also very relevant in the message they deliver of the world today. This is the very reason science fiction is often considered protest fiction. In comics, we have seen over the last few years, this be even more prominent than any other medium. In Train 8: The Zombie Express, the reader gets embroiled in one such tale where an experiment goes wrong.

We are taken to the Genesis Research Unit in Seattle, Washington, where some scientists are trying to play with God where an experimental serum has caused violent outbreaks on its subjects. On the famous 8 train, which passengers from Seattle to Chicago, a few unknowing passengers, unexpectedly gets their day turned upside down, as one man got infected with the contagion created at Genesis. Rapidly, the virus starts affecting each passenger and turn them into primordial beings who feast on other humans. By issue’s end, the last remaining survivors suddenly realize that they are alone, and no help will be coming.

Overall, the issue is a pulse pounding debut issue that sets up what is soon to be a major motion picture and looks to be across between Resident Evil and The Mist. The story is explosive, fast paced, and highly entertaining. The art is gorgeous considering the subject matter. Altogether, it’s an excellent introduction to a world where playing with the course of evolution has dire consequences.

Story: Marysol Levant, Bryant Phillipson, and David Stephan
Art: Alex Cormack, Ashley Cormack

Story: 9.6 Art: 9.4 Overall: 9.5 Recommendation: Buy