Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 26

When it comes to how a story ends, everything is if it’s able to stick the landing. You have to make sure that everything is resolved. If not, fans may feel let down having experienced an incomplete story. One thing that I realize from being overseas, is that as an American, we are obsessed with happy endings. While most of the rest of the world enjoys realistic endings, even if it does not end well.

We love for our protagonists to end up winning and our antagonists to meet what we believe is the natural ending.  Of course, the reality is never that sweet and we often lose more than we win. So when something good happens, it is often glorious. In Acursian Chapter 26, the finale, we find our heroes embracing the grandeur of their new dawn.

We open up our heroes shortly after they have defeated Bregon, and coming to the realization that Nate has Albion’s powers now, making his stay at Isle Of Shadows more than long term. Charlie returns to the new reality where Allison and Rory lived a lifetime without him. Corra decides to change this, by putting him back to before Rory was born, allowing their family to grow together. By the story’s end, Nate returns one last time, allowing him and the sisters, to gift Charlie, one beautiful surprise, for Rory to have his grandfather, Jock.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 26 is an excellent ending to this exciting story, no matter how saccharine it is. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is great. The art by the creative team is captivating. Altogether, Acursian Chapter 26 is a beautiful conclusion to this multilayered tale.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 25

Within the world’s imagination, there exists Star Wars. This universe that was created by George Lucas so many years ago is not only part of pop culture but just about every piece of literature. It is hard to track how many references are made to the franchise as compared to King Arthur which at this point, has been surpassed. The franchise has many memorable characters, each with their own flavor.

The one most people identify with is Han Solo. As every man thinks he is just like him and every woman secretly finds many of his qualities attractive. What initially charms audiences is the fact that he did not want anything to do with the Rebellio. Despite that, he helps regardless.  In Acursian Chapter 25, we find Charlie helping Cora, instead of saving his own hide.

We open up on Corra battling Bregon, as his powers have grown since Corra left. We also find Ceillech telling Charlie that he should leave, as this is no longer his battle, a fact that doesn’t want to concede. He instead decides to come up with his own plan, something a bit risky, but the payoff might be enough to beat Bregon. By the issue’s end, Charlie tips the scales in the Sisters’ favor, as Bregon is completely surprised.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 25 is a great entry in the series that pushes the story to its best. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is powerful. The art by the creative team is enchanting. Altogether, the story is magnificent in every way.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 24

There are always those parts in the big action movies, where it seems like the heroes will probably lose. It is where the audience, suddenly suspends disbelief  , because they are invested. It is where you realize that the people you are rooting for may not get out of it alive. That is why the movies of the MCU are so compelling.

As the Avengers movies, proved to movie fans, those characters’ times on screen was finite. There were real consequences for every action taken. This is why when Vision was killed both times, it was truly heartbreaking.  In Acursian Chapter 24, we find our heroes in the midst of the fight which also has real consequences.

We open up on Alison and Rory shortly after reuniting with Charlie and Nate, as they know they have to get to the Isle Of Shadows to save Ceillach.  We find Corra battling Bregon’s Dark Army, where she gets a little help from Nate, as we soon find out just how powerful he really is.  We also find Connell have her Battle Royale with Bregon, one final fatal fight, that will leave one of the siblings meeting their ultimate end.By issue’s end, Charlie attempts to awaken Ceillech as Bregon comes even closer to his goal.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 24 is an exceptional entry in the series that begins the penultimate phase of the story The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is worthwhile. The art by Beni Lobel is enthralling. Altogether, it’s a chapter that astonishes by excellent storytelling.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 23

It is always profound when characters enter that turning point. When they make a choice which upends everything, leaving the reader to gasp. This is when we often question where the writer is taking us. Some of them are well-treaded steps, as you can often find parallels within the Hero’s journey.

The most memorable example that comes to mind is in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. The movie is probably the most loved amongst movie fans. The choice Indy makes at the end, comes out of wisdom and resolve. In Acursian Chapter 23, we find Charlie making a life-altering choice.

We open up on Rory reuniting with Charlie and Nate, as they try to figure out how to fix the timeline. We also find Bregon, abandoned by Rory, summoning his Dark  Army, as he plots to take over control of the island from his sisters. We also find Bregon and Rory at Charlie’s ancestral home. We soon find Charlie and Rory back in the Witches Realm, giving up the necklace to get Allison back. By issue’s end, Charlie outsmarts the witch, but the Fates have war at their door.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 23 is an excellent entry that gives the story some real stakes. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is rewarding. The art by the creative team is alluring. Altogether, it’s a chapter in the story that adds some excitement.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 22

What I love about alternate universe stories is how they show just how crazy things can get. If a protagonist makes a different choice, we’re taken down a different road. That is why most of us are fascinated with these alternate worlds. It’s a concept so pervasive that when you mention “Mirror Universe”, individuals who have never seen an episode will know you’re talking about Star Trek and the concept.

This makes sense why Star Trek Discovery, has utilized it within its first 2 seasons. It gives us a different look and version of a character we have grown accustomed to. It presents possibilities which intrigues the most.  In Acursian Chapter 22, we find Rory discovering the life he could have had.

We open up on Charlie and Corra arriving at the Isle of Shadows, where Nate is tending to Corra’s sisters, who are being affected by the loss of the necklace.  This pushes the three to take drastic measures so that Charlie can get Ceillech’s orb and Corra can save her sisters. We also find Bregon and Rory at Charlie’s ancestral home. Where a skirmish breaks out between the two and Rory grabs the staff. By the issue’s end, Rory uses the staff to get back to Charlie .

Overall, Acursian Chapter 22 is a great entry that gives the protagonist a bit of humanity. The story by the creative team is satisfying. The art by the creative team is pleasing to the eye. Altogether, the story spurs the imagination.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 21

Playing cards is a skill that most people don’t quite master. As with most games, it’s all about reading people. “Reading” your opponent remains the most important aspect in the way you play. We see it all the time, in football, where teams game plan for weeks on end.

In card games, you plan your game as you go. That is why it is always interesting to watch when someone overplays their hand. It is definitely devastating to the player. In Acursian Chapter 21, we find Charlie underestimating one such adversary.

We open up on Charlie and Alison entering the Witches Realm, which they soon find out is a trap and Charlie comes up short on what he promised Flora.  We also find Corra and Nate as they are holding a rendezvous with Alba, who holds their mother, and where Nate lets her know that Bregon has an ulterior motive. We also find Bregon and Rory looking for the talismans in the 16th century, at Charlie’s ancestral home. By the issue’s end, Charlie and Corra figure out the next steps after Flora holds Alison as a prisoner, maybe even taking desperate measures.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 21 is an action-packed entry in the series that raises the stakes. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is enjoyable. The art by Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards is elegant. Altogether, it’s a story that puts our protagonist on notice.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 20

The show Game Of Thrones is one that explores family dynamics in its most palatial settings. We saw how each of the major houses dealt with the “black sheep”. None were as more gracious than the Starks. Ned not only took in his sister’s son but also the ward of an enemy.

We also saw how certain houses, like the Lannisters, dealt with the favoritism of certain siblings. The favoritism of the Twins made the family dynamic highly unstable and grew resentment amongst the siblings. Tyrion proved to be not only the smartest character but also the most noble. In the Acursian Chapter 20, we find Bregon and Rory giving the reader two versions of “bad seeds”.

We open up on Nate, as he soon finds out just what kind of power Albion had been enjoying, as he revels in a state of euphoria. We’re also taken to the 18th Century, to the Isle of Coll where Bregon is explaining to Rory exactly why he was taken and unveiling his master plan. By the issue’s end, Charlie tries to go it alone, but Alison makes it that she comes along, leaving Rory to possibly lose both parents.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 20 a fun entry in the webcomic series that shows how dense the world-building is. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is pleasing. The art by Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards is gorgeous. Altogether, the story adds a few more screws to its protagonists.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 19

One of my all-time favorite shows is Grimm. The show was about a police detective who finds out that he is a part of a long line of monster hunters. He proves to be more than your typical heir, as he uses his skills as an investigator and his natural skills as a demon hunter to be a tour de force. The show is steeped in world-building and is filled with monster mythology from all over the world.

The show was immersed in a multitude of plotlines and character hierarchies. One of the most pivotal points in the show was when the main character revealed to his significant other exactly who he is. This became a true tide change, leaving all the characters to change with the big reveal. In Acursian Chapter 19, we find Charlie revealing to Alison exactly what he has been up to.

We find Charlie back in Milwaukee and find out exactly what he has been dealing including the family curse. Initially, Alison doesn’t believe him which causes Corra to show her that she is truly a goddess. We are also taken to the 18th Century Isle O doll, where Bregon has taken Rory. Bregon reveals he is in search of the necklace Alison has as it emanates some powerful elements. By the issue’s end, Bregon takes a powerful step in securing power and Charlie may have found one way in finding him and Rory.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 19 is a great entry that pushes boundaries. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is enjoyable. The art by Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards is surprising. Altogether, the story that puts all characters on notice.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 18

It’s always fun to watch our protagonists get taught a lesson. As you get engrossed in their story you also get to see their flaws. Their flaws are what usually get us to identify with the character more. We can be assured of their eventual fall and rise due to them.

Their fall is what reminds us that failure and contrarians are a part of life. That makes the rise so much more rewarding. It reminds the reader they can overcome just about anything. Such is life and what makes everything worthwhile. In Acursian Chapter 18, we find Charlie getting his “just desserts”.

We find Charlie in the Witches Realm, where they have temporarily turned him into a pig, as they decide thet want inject some humility into him before striking a deal.  Charlie is then transported back to Chicago, where Corra and Nate , where they have to find the orb before any more dead bodies surface. We are also taken to 1560 Clare Island, where Bregon  is conspiring with Grace, on how to steal power from his sisters . By issue’s end, Bregon travels to modern day Milwaukee and kidnaps Rory.

Overall, Acursian Chapter 18 is an action-packed entry in the series that raises the stakes. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is satisfying. The art by Beni Lobel and Tommy Lee Edwards is astounding. Altogether, the story adds a bit of action to the series.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Comics Reviews Webcomics

Review: Acursian Chapter 17

Within any story, it is always nice to find out when a plan has been more elaborate than the reader imagined. This intrigue is what pulls you more into it. These few surprises is what make you wonder what happens next. As the character’s motivations become apparent, and you know who is who.

One such great example is in Game Of Thrones. When we find out that Jorah Mormont was there to watch over Daenarys to help the Lannisters. This plan would become void as he would eventually fall in love with her.  In Acursian Chapter 17, we find out Nate’s motivation

We find Charlie in the Witches Realm, where they have a certain purpose of capturing him.  We are also taken back to the Isle of Shadows, where Corra and Alba discover Bregon’s true plan, leading to team up against him. We also find Nate traveling to the Isle Of Shadows, where he meets his father, Albion, and we find out that Nate was sent to help Charlie. By issue’s end, Charlie tries to bargain with the witches, but they outsmart him

Overall, Acursian Chapter 17 is a funny entry that enlightens the reader. The story by John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis is pleasurable. The art by Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards is dazzling. Altogether, the chapter is a nice fun romp for the series.

Story: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman, and Erika Lewis Art: Beni Lobel and  Tommy Lee Edwards
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy