Comics Reviews

Review: Day of Judgement #5

A sentimental final chapter.

For fans of superhero movies, the films are extensions of the heroes we grew up reading. I never in a million years would believe I would see a faithful adaptation of any of our heroes. Tim Burton’s Batman was iconic and drew from the source material but also served the Hollywood machine. Then there was the film version of Daredevil, which felt both sincere and yet struggled to find that happy medium.

The closest we came became before the MCU was the film adaptation of Watchmen, which was very faithful and gave audiences a page by page recreation of the book. So when the Avengers movies introduced the Infinity Gauntlet saga, it gave fans a rare element in these movies until then, sentiment. Fans across the world felt the snap of Thanos when many of our favorite heroes were gone. In the fifth issue of Day Of Judgment, our heroes face their final battle for control of the Spectre.

We find Neron facing off Superman and the Sentinels of Magic, as his powers are so immense it temporarily stops Superman. We also find Hal Jordan pleading the case to embody the Spectre, as his past sins give him cause. Asmodel grants him the power of the Spectre, where he defeats and cages Neron to face his family. Neron would have his title stripped and be imprisoned forever by Asmodel. By story’s end, the city has been brought back by Hal, as he quietly acclimates to his new role.

Overall, an issue that shows why so many people still love this story. The story by Geoff Johns is perceptive and electrifying. The art by the creative team is extraordinary. Altogether, a final chapter that gives a sentimental tribute to the hero’s journey of Hal Jordan.

Story: Geoff Johns
Art: Comicraft, Matthew Dow Smith, James Sinclair,
and Steve Mitchell
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy