Comics Reviews

Review: Ninja-K #5

Ninja-K remains among the best series currently being published by any publisher, and is an absolute must read

“The murderous assault on MI6 has spilled out of the shadows and onto the streets of Britain’s capital! With his would-be killer unmasked, can Ninjak grapple with the truth behind the bloodstained legacy of MI6’s covert Ninja Programme…and an opponent with more experience, more precision, and more ruthless instincts than any he’s faced before?”

Full disclosure: I loved this comic. Everything about this series is a step above what I actually expect to get – even five issues in, Christos Gage, Tomas Giorelo and Diego Rodriguez continue to exceed expectations. Ninja-K #5 opens with an infiltration sequence as Ninja’s C and K infiltrate the department that ruined C’s life and may have been responsible for ruining K’s life as well. Balancing out the action is an internal monologue from the title character which explains what’s happening when there’s minimal dialogue without spoon feeding you a narration. The sequence is incredibly well presented in comic form by all involved, and provides a chilling look into the effectiveness of these operatives.

Tomas Giorello once again delivers an incredible work of art that is steeped in shadows and murk that the agents of the Ninja Programme live in. It’s art that is perfectly suited to the comic in your hand and it’s elevated by the colouring Diego Rodriguez. The pair deliver a book that is worth buying just to look at, but thankfully it’s also very much worth reading. Gage’s first arc comes to a close, and it does so in a way that will leave you thirsty for more. There’s noticeable character growth over the past five issue, and as Gage continues to explore the solitary nature of Ninja-K I eagerly anticipate more in the future. The first arc is a perfectly balanced tale with an ending that hits all the right notes.

There is literally nothing I can (truthfully) say against the art in this comic.

After the first arc, Ninja-K remains among the best series currently being published by any publisher, and is an absolute must read. Add this to your pull list today.

Story: Christos Gage Art: Tomas Giorello Colours: Diego Rodriguez
Story: 9.6 Art: 9.8 Overall: 9.7 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review.

By Alex K Cossa

An enthusiastic fan of the four colour page, he is an ex-pat Englishman now living somewhere in Canada who has been obsessed with comics of various genres for more than twenty five years. For some reason he thinks people might be interested in what he has to say.