Comics Reviews

Review: The Flash #22

The Flash #22 is a hard to judge on its own, instead, it’ll be one that’s judged by what’s to come.

The fourth part of “The Button” wraps up the event that has brought The Flash and Batman together to solve the murder of Reverse Flash by “god” and something to do with a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall.

As this issue wraps up, we’re left with more questions than answers as Batman and the Flash race through the Speed Force in hopes of catching Reverse Flash before he’s killed by an unknown being. We’re given glimpses and hints of what’s around in a story that’s more of a mystery than the previous three.

What the Reverse Flash sees is off the page and may not be who everyone thinks. A classic character makes an appearance and is lost in the speed force again.

This is an issue and story that feels like it’s as much a prelude as it is anything else. The event leads into the just announced Doomsday Clock which will pit Superman against Doctor Manhattan and leaves Bruce and Barry in interesting places. It’s a bit mixed as a result and a bit frustrating too. I like it, but at the same time I don’t as well. Writer Joshua Williamson delivers what is a great mystery but the end product feels like a prelude for what’s to come months ahead.

I think what stands out to me about The Flash #22 is that it feels like DC of old in a way that to truly care about its content, you need to know the long history of the DC Universe and the characters presented. That’s especially true with Jay Garrick who briefly makes a return. That’s not much of a spoiler, it’s there on the cover. Like previous installments, the glimpses of what we see build a mystery that’s not answered here.

But, like previous issues, the art by Neil Googe is where it’s at. The art for all four chapters have been fantastic and here Googe references the classic Watchmen towards the end with page layouts that act as an homage to that work. The coloring too references back to that series. How the art is used to tell the story is fascinating in so many ways and books can be written about it all.

The Flash #22 is an interesting one and after reading it, I’m still not 100% sure what I think. It’s a bit flustering in that way because it’s one that’s hard to judge on its own, instead, it’ll be one that’s judged by what’s to come.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Neil Googe Cover Art: Jason Fabok
Story: 7.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 7.5 Recommendation: Read

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By Brett

Brett is a political consultant who resides in Arlington, VA. He grew up in Cleveland, OH and Buffalo, NY and attended the University at Buffalo, majoring in Political Science.
Since then Brett has made his mark on politics working in various positions such as a Legislative Staffer for the Erie County Legislature, Special Assistant for Senator John Kerry, as the Database Administrator for Forward Together PAC, Database Director for Chris Dodd for President, and Internet/Database Director for Virginians for Brian Moran, and Email Deliverability Czar for Salsa Labs and NGP VAN.
In 2007 Brett formed 5B Consulting providing his expertise on database solutions, new media and email strategy.
He's a long time geek, reading comics since he was a child and learning to spell his name on an Atari 800. When he's not working, he's reading comics, playing video games and relaxing with a nice cup of tea.
You can follow him on Twitter @bhschenker