Reviews Television

TV Review: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S2E16 Doomworld

An anything that can happen episode where anything can happen.

The Legion of Doom rewrites reality, leaving the Legends altered; the reason the Spear of Destiny must be destroyed comes to light.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow rewrites the world as the Legion of Doom hold the spear of destiny after last episode and we get to see how they’ve remade the world. Alternate world stories tend to be rather entertaining and impressively this series doesn’t linger too long in this world getting us in and out in an action packed episode that’s tons of fun and tons of action.

The center of the episode revolves around Mick who is feeling a bit guilty about his betrayal so needs to get the band back together to fix everything. What’s interesting is that the show doesn’t make things easy and by the time the episode is over a member has fallen and things have gone horribly wrong.

And all of that is why I think this episode is one of my favorite of the year. The fact that it’s compressed in one episode and not dragged out, it gives us some high stakes, and then the end has some moments I wasn’t expecting at all, it impressively pulls off a surprising ending that absolutely caught me off guard, though the final solution to resolve the big picture is pretty obvious.

What’s also great is every character and actor got to have fun playing with their character and giving us the viewers something new and different that keeps us on our toes and feels fresh and new. It’s fun and has an energy and spin that’s been lacking at times this season.

This episode is the anything that can happen that I expect from this series and boy does it deliver.

Overall Rating: 8.85

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By Brett

Brett is a political consultant who resides in Arlington, VA. He grew up in Cleveland, OH and Buffalo, NY and attended the University at Buffalo, majoring in Political Science.
Since then Brett has made his mark on politics working in various positions such as a Legislative Staffer for the Erie County Legislature, Special Assistant for Senator John Kerry, as the Database Administrator for Forward Together PAC, Database Director for Chris Dodd for President, and Internet/Database Director for Virginians for Brian Moran, and Email Deliverability Czar for Salsa Labs and NGP VAN.
In 2007 Brett formed 5B Consulting providing his expertise on database solutions, new media and email strategy.
He's a long time geek, reading comics since he was a child and learning to spell his name on an Atari 800. When he's not working, he's reading comics, playing video games and relaxing with a nice cup of tea.
You can follow him on Twitter @bhschenker

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