Comics Reviews

Review: Hero Hourly #1

I’m willing to bet that you’ve worked a job just for the paycheck, whether it be flipping burgers or asking if you’ve tried turning it on and off again. Sometimes those jobs are taken when we’re young and just starting out in the work force, but sometimes we take them because there is nothing else available; and so we find ourselves fighting through minimum wage and battling stupid corporate policies just to put food on the table. Welcome to Hero Hourly, where you get paid $9.75 an hour to save the world, and your job still sucks.

But while their job may suck just as much as yours, the comic sure doesn’t.

Written by James Patrick (Batman, Green Arrow), Hero Hourly is a unique take on the whole concept of superheroing. Rather than fighting the good fight because it’s the right thing to do, these men and women do it because there’s a paycheck involved at the end of the day (although maybe not a very good one), and there are some fairly decent benefits. That probably sounds familiar to a lot of us, minus the yellow spandex, that is. With Hero Hourly James Patrick has delivered the opening salvo in a three issue mini series that manages to be both relevant to today’s economic problems, and yet timeless in it’s approach to the back drop of the tale; most of us have had jobs where we counted down to the weekend. On top of that, though, indeed even because of it, this is a funny comic. Maybe because the story has struck so closely to periods in my life, but I absolutely love this series.

Issue #1 follows Saul as his life takes a series of turns from a promising career to getting punched in the face in a mask, before experiencing the all too mundane side of the superhero business. Watching him suffer through work place politics, unemployment and misery is fantastic; it’s not exactly a good trait to watch somebody suffer, but when it’s as funny as Hero Hourly #1, how can you not enjoy it? Carlos Trigo (2000AD) does some really great work here that compliments the dialogue between characters like milk does cookies (especially the scenes depicting Saul‘s first day on the job – oh man). Hero Hourly is a breath of fresh air, and as the first offering from 21 Pulp that I’ve read, it really excites me for what else this promising new company has up their sleeve (and Graphic Policy have an interview with James Patrick where he gives a little away about what’s coming down the pipeline).

Hero Hourly #1 is part one of a three part miniseries published by James Patrick‘s new publishing company 21 Pulp, that is absolutely worth your time and money.

Story: James Patrick Art: Carlos Trigo Colours: Alex Sollazzo
Story: 9.5 Art: 9 Overall: 9.5 Recommendation: Buy

21 Pulp provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

By Alex K Cossa

An enthusiastic fan of the four colour page, he is an ex-pat Englishman now living somewhere in Canada who has been obsessed with comics of various genres for more than twenty five years. For some reason he thinks people might be interested in what he has to say.