Comics Reviews

Review: Radiant Black #1

Radiant Black #1 is full of potential.

Nathan Burnett is down of his luck. He’s not making money as a writer and is forced to move back with his parents. While out at night drinking with his friend, a weird black ball of energy bonds with him, causing him to transform into a mysterious being of incredible power.

I feel like ever since Invincible wrapped up, I’ve kinda been jonesing for a good Image Comics superhero book. Did I find it with Radiant Black? My magic 8-ball answer would answer that as, “as I see it, yes.” Again, it’s your run-of-the-mill way of getting powers but it had things about it I liked. The hero that’s down on his luck, right outta the “Peter Parker School of Life” works well for me. I love a flawed hero, one who doesn’t have the easiest route to where he is. It always feels a bit more like I understand where they come from. And while the origin might be ordinary, Kyle Higgins delivers good dialogue for a small cast, making it easy to jump into it. It could have used a bit more action but it is what it is.

Remember that Invincible talk from earlier? I felt like Marcelo Costa had a bit of a Ryan Ottley vibe to his art. I love the look of this book. The art is detailed but not stiff. Also, I love the design of Radiant Black. It’s a bit simple but striking.

Overall, it’s a good-but-not-great first issue but I think it’s enough to get me excited for the next issue and I feel like I can see the potential of Radiant Black. Not all origins need to be great. What’s more important is what happens after you get your powers. Radiant Black also gave us a look at the other side of the coin, so to speak, with the emergence of a foe who popped up at the end of this issue. Image has a history of superhero books and while they’ve done a colossal job of expanding from that. It’s awesome to see a book like Radiant Black usher back the Image Comics age of heroes.

Story: Kyle Higgins Art: Marcelo Costa Letterer: Becca Carey
Story: 7.0 Art: 8.0 Overall: 7.5 Recommendation: Read

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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