
Find Out the Master Plan for M.O.D.O.K. Head Games!

The showrunners behind the upcoming Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K. series on Hulu will also be teaming up for a journey inside the mind of M.O.D.O.K. in a brand new comic series! On sale December 2nd, M.O.D.O.K. Head Games by Patton Oswalt and Jordan Blum will feature the ruthless and brilliant leader of the terrorist organization AIM doing what he does best—outsmarting and outmaneuvering the heroes of the Marvel Universe! But when he begins to be haunted by memories of a family he never had, will they cause M.O.D.O.K. to lose his freakishly large mind for good? See what the masterminds behind the series had to say in this video interview, featuring never-before-seen interior pages from series artist Scott Hepburn!

Take a spin with the biggest head in the Marvel Universe when M.O.D.O.K. Head Games #1 featuring a cover by Cully Hamner arrives in comic shops on December 2nd!