Recap Reviews Television

Review/Recap: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow “Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me” S5E2

Legend’s manages to build a believable, interesting and clever story around what would under any other circumstances be ridiculous.

Since the second episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow season 5 didn’t air as promised because of the State of the Union, the CW slipped it on Sunday night with little fanfare. Luckily, I have Legends on my DVR’s always record list, so It was nice to see this episode when I came up for air after binging on Locke & Key. It also means that we get TWO episodes of Legends this week.

In “Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me the Legends are on the hunt for the evil fresh from hell released souls. Constantine visits Astra in Hell and she is living her best demon life, living for all the power that she’s getting from the corruption her released serial killer souls are causing.  Nate is trying to find a way to replay the secret message from Zari that no one remembers but him and he goes to meet Z’s family with her brother, Behrad, who has taken her place on the ship and in the team’s mind. This makes things hella awkward when Zari shows up and is a social media celebrity and not a figment of Nate’s imagination like everyone thought.

While Ava & Rory stay on the ship to provide “support,” Sara, Ray & Constantine, head to 1947 Los Angeles on the hunt for this episode’s encore, Bugsy Siegel and the latest timequake who’s using hellfire to take over the city after coming back from the dead.  The 1947 members of the team find themselves working as PI’s to help hide out Bugsy’s girlfriend who is very afraid of him and his new powers so Ava and Rory get to join the mission.

WHAT WORKED: This episode was a beautifully crafted camped up film noir complete with double-crosses and more femme fatales than you could shake a stick at. It was so well written and cohesive that even in the scenes where Nate and B are in the future/past with B’s family the social media lite version of Z is acting hella femme fatalesque in her mission to find out what her brother is really up to.

Legend‘s manages to build a believable, interesting and clever story around what would under any other circumstances be ridiculous. From the way they introduced the characters to the way that they take them down, everything fits together in a way that makes sense and allows you to let go and become immersed in the world of the Legend‘s. I also love the way that each episode makes the story style conform to the period that the Legend‘s have traveled to.

BEST MOMENT: When Zari gets beamed up to the Waverider after threatening to expose B as a fraud and freaks out. It was nice to have her back on board even if she isn’t Z that we grew to love and I look forward to seeing how this whole thing plays out.

BEST LINE: Not a line so much as a whole scene of lines in the form of a song when Ava does a beautiful 1940’s version of Poison and I was living for it with complete jazz band and it was everything… especially when you realize that it was all in her head and she is in fact that worst singer on the face of the timeline!

EPISODE MVP:  Ava. She doesn’t just take one for the team, she takes the whole episode with her do anything for the mission and her girl mentality. She was so open and honest about her feelings about going from the big boss to essentially a sidekick, she also talked about her uncertainty about what comes next and her need to be wanted and useful. Ava always comes off as a tough, headstrong cookie and to see her vulnerable side was refreshing especially since the writers wrote the scenes in such a way that there was a build-up to the emotional honest moment with Rory, making it so that she came out of that bar scene appearing stronger and even more badass than she already was.

It was also very nice to see her finally let go and to see how much Sara truly loves her, when she lets her keep on having fun and doesn’t give her crap about her bad singing and dancing or when she stops Rory from showing her the video of her beautifully tragic performance. It was loving and caring and beautiful to see on TV.



Shay Revolver is a NYC based, lo-fi microcinema filmmaker and writer who spent her childhood allowance on Super 8 film, videogames, and comic books. Now that she’s all grown up, she still spends her extra money on filmmaking toys, video games, and comic books. She’s currently making a series of short films, working on a feature, writing pop culture pieces about feminism & media, and engaging in spirited conversations about people that exist in movies, TV, and the page, because she has some pretty real feelings about imaginary characters. She’s a badass unicorn, pixie stick addict, and whiskey ninja.