Comics Solicits

Deadly Class’ Second Hardcover is Out in October

Image Comics has announced that issues #17-31 of the bestselling series Deadly Class by Rick Remender and Wes Craig will be collected into a massive hardcover deluxe edition available this October.

Deadly Class Deluxe Edition, Boom Two: The Funeral Party collects story arcs four through six of the ongoing, darkly humorous drama centered around the lives of ‘80s teens training in a secret academy to either become assassins or stand up and become humans.

Deadly Class Deluxe Edition, Boom Two: The Funeral Party (ISBN: 978-1-5343-0841-1, Diamond Code: JAN188510) will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, October 10th and bookstores on Tuesday, October 16th. The final order cutoff deadline for comic book stores is Monday, August 6th.