Comics Reviews

Review: Goldie Vance #5

The team’s enthusiasm for the book is obvious…

Remember when two months seemed like forever to wait for the continuation of Goldie Vance, one of BOOM!’s cutest and most intriguing new series? Good news: Goldie is back. Hope Larson and Brittney Williams’s kid-friendly series returns with Goldie Vance , which begins a new arc for the young detective.

The first arc of the series followed Goldie as she and her friends at the Crossed Palms Resort tried to solve the mysterious disappearance of a resort guest, which culminated in Goldie losing and regaining her job as a resort valet. It set up a solid cast of characters that is equally important and developed as Goldie, emphasizing a theme of friendship and support. Issue 5 continues this theme by exploring Goldie’s relationships with her friends and coworkers as well as the amazingly cool Diane.

In this new arc, Goldie is thrown right into the center of a mystery when an unconscious Jane Doe turns up on the resort beach. And she’s an astronaut. Goldie’s friend Cheryl, whose lifelong dream is to become an astronaut, also plays a central role. This immediately causes problems for the resort and sets up a conflict between Goldie and Cheryl, a plot point that allows the reader to see that even though Goldie is well-intentioned, she is still a flawed character.

The art, as always, is another high point for the series. Brittney Williams has a fun and wonderfully consistent style that is absolutely perfect for the series. Combined with Sarah Stern’s coloring, the two create a book that, though fun for adults to read, is great for its intended younger audience. The retro style and palette is engaging and whimsical, and kids will not only relate to Goldie’s enthusiasm and nose for trouble, but her expressions as well. Williams’s comedic timing with Goldie’s expressions is a credit to the series and a testament to the strength of the creative team.

The team’s enthusiasm for the book is obvious, and the plot and characters are written, drawn, and colored with great care. The second arc has perhaps started better than the first, and while we don’t yet know where the story will go, it is guaranteed that it will be fun and full of surprises.

Story: Hope Larson Art: Brittney Williams
Story: 10.0 Art: 10.0 Overall: 10.0 Recommendation: Buy

BOOM! Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review.

By Madison Butler

I graduated from Penn State in 2015 with a degree in journalism and minors in English and women's studies. I'm currently pursuing a Master's in professional writing through Chatham University. I have experience with technical writing, grant writing, HTML, blogging, and web usability. Reach me on Twitter @madisonrbutler and through email at