Comics Reviews

Review: Vote Loki #1

Vote Loki #1 is very much a comic of the moment.

What happens when the God of Lies has his sights set on becoming the leader of the free world. But is it just another scheme? Only time will tell whether with his silver tongue and his million dollar smile will win over the voting public and convince them to put Loki in the White House. With the US Presidential election underway, Vote Loki #1 is a superb look at the electoral process viewed through the Marvel Universe, but is it worth reading if you aren’t from the United States, or familiar with the Presidential elections process?

The short answer to that is an emphatic yes.

Vote Loki #1, written by Christopher Hastings with art by Langdon Foss, is more than the cheap laugh that it initially seems. There’s also a lot that, not being from or living in the US, I’m probably missing but from what I am able to tell, Hastings is able to effectively answer some of my primary concerns, namely how can an Asgardian legally run for office in the US?

An interesting aspect of the comic is the power of suggestion – both by the media and by the trickster god himself, and it’s something that I’m incredibly interested in seeing where [writer] goes with it as the series progresses. There are already some very  interesting scenes here that will make you genuinely think about what you read in you day to day life – or at least they should.

If you’re looking for an entertaining comic that you can  have a laugh with, that you don’t need to think too much about,Vote Loki #1 will serve that purpose, and it will serve it well. But the comic shines when you’re paying attention – when you’re actively questioning what you’re reading and how it applies to things outside the Marvel Universe.

I picked up Vote Loki #1 because I had to fill a gift card, and it looked stupid enough to have a laugh with, but the comic I read is one of the best explanations of the political machine and how it intertwines with the media, and I loved every moment of it. Quite frankly this is one of the best comics I have read all month.

A question that may come up will be the longevity of the series. Will it hold up in another two years?  It’s tough to say. Vote Loki #1 is very much a comic of the moment. This moment, and it’s one you absolutely need to read.

Writer: Christopher Hastings Artist: Langdon Foss Colourist: Christ Chuckry
Story: 9.5 Art: 9.25 Overall: 9.5 Recommendation: Buy

By Alex K Cossa

An enthusiastic fan of the four colour page, he is an ex-pat Englishman now living somewhere in Canada who has been obsessed with comics of various genres for more than twenty five years. For some reason he thinks people might be interested in what he has to say.

2 replies on “Review: Vote Loki #1”

I like that they’re continuing the continuity from Al Ewing’s run of Loki: Agent of Asgard where Loki is still the God of Stories. My only real beef with this and with The Mighty Thor is the lack of Verity Willis. Verity was a huge factor in that run. She was Loki’s only friend. With Secret Wars, he was able to tether her soul to save her. What we don’t know is whether or not she went with him. I feel like she should be somewhere in this story when Loki might need a friend as he runs for President.
I asked this question to Jason Aaron and the editorial staff with The Mighty Thor. You can see my letter in issue #4 of the 2015 series. They said that Verity still had a role to play, but couldn’t go into detail. I’ve been eagerly waiting for her return.
Just the smallest side note and this is a personal preference, I’ve never been a fan of Langdon Foss’ art. That’s just me. I wish they would have stuck with the cover art. Though unlike when I saw it in Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier, I didn’t mind it as much in Vote Loki.

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