Comics Reviews

Review: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #1

A fun first issue, which does not miss a beat from the new reboots and with the new characters, allows the reader to be immersed in the universe

Star Trek is one of those landmark science fiction juggernauts, that not only entertains its audience but makes them hope for a better future. It is one thing for science fiction to make you dream of robots and artificial intelligence and aliens, but to search for that undiscovered country is truly a feat. Gene Roddenberry imagined a future where the Earth was one nation, something none of the shows or movies from the franchise have ever explored, but may one day. I seriously doubt anything like what happened in Childhood’s End, would ever occur in the Star Trek Universe, as it is a world of equals.

Where the franchise really soars is the many interactions between the different crew members and their many allies and enemies. Never has a franchise understood conflict, much like the Star Trek franchise. This is exactly what new movie reboots gets right better than anyone, as the introduced a whole new generation to the original crew, as they are relatable to any generation. So when I heard IDW was furthering the adventures that the crew had while they were at the Academy, I definitely could not wait to read.

It picks up soon after the bar fight Kirk has in the beginning of the new reboot series, and actually pretty much lives within that first movie. The book begins with Spock attempting in the most Vulcan way to go “steady” with Uhura, while Kirk gets another Alien girl angry, both to hilarious results. Uhura is on a wild goose chase tracing a signal with the help of Chekhov while we are introduced to a new character, a Vulcan named T’Laan. By the end of the first issue, we are caught with the original crew while being introduced to a whole new set of characters.

Overall, a fun first issue, which does not miss a beat from the new reboots and with the new characters, allows the reader to be immersed in the universe. The story by Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott definitely gets the rhythm of the new reboot right while giving us hints of Guardians of the Galaxy. The art by Derek Charm is a perfect compliment to the series straddling the line between realistic and cartoon. Altogether, a strong effort by this creative team, which will bring back the fans from the first movie.

Story: Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott Artist: Derek Charm
Story: 9 Art: 8 Overall: 9 Recommendation: Buy

IDW Publishing provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review